File #: 21-1207    Name: First Amendment to A-19-034 with Levi, Ray, & Shoup, Inc.
On agenda: 2/1/2022 Final action: 2/1/2022
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 22-042
Title: Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement No. 19-034 with Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc., to fund additional services, effective upon execution with no change in term of January 29, 2019 to January 31, 2024 and increasing the maximum by $100,000 to a total of $455,000.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-22-042 w/ Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc

DATE:                     February 1, 2022


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Robert W. Bash, Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer


SUBJECT:                     First Amendment to Agreement with Levi, Ray, & Shoup, Inc.




Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement No. 19-034 with Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc., to fund additional services, effective upon execution with no change in term of January 29, 2019 to January 31, 2024 and increasing the maximum by $100,000 to a total of $455,000.


Approval of the recommended action will increase the maximum compensation allowed under the agreement, due to unanticipated consulting needs, professional services, training, and technical assistance costs related to the digital report management system, PageCenterX and VPSX Enterprise.  The original agreement did not include additional support to create custom reports that have been requested by the user departments.  The increase is funded with charges incorporated into the Enterprise Base rate charged to all user departments.  This item is countywide.




Should your Board not approve the recommended action, the departments will be unable to effectively manage documents requiring added departmental staff time and resources to manually create new reporting tools within the document management system without vendor support.




There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum compensation in FY 2021-22 is $299,000; $355,000 for the term.  The increase accounts for additional support for custom reporting and related supplemental services that was not accounted for in the original agreement.  Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Internal Services Department - Information Technology Services Division’s Org 8905 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget.




On January 29, 2019, your Board approved Agreement No. 19-034 with Levi, Ray, & Shoup, Inc., which resulted from Request for Proposal No. 18-060, for Electronic Reports Management & Data Visualization Software to transfer data out of the County’s then-current system, meet the requirements of replacing the then-current system at a reasonable cost, while providing additional functionality of benefit to staff.  The agreement was effective January 29, 2019 through and including January 31, 2022 with maximum compensation set at $355,000, which was sufficient to continue the use of the software, but does not include any additional support hours. 


Since the County entered into the agreement, ISD-IT has needed additional professional services. The agreement was initially structured to pay for the License Fees, and the Migration and Conversion Fees only. ISD-IT has needed minimal additional professional services which were within the budget of the initial implementation costs.  However, additional requests have been received regularly which resulted in the recommended amendment. The amendment defines the additional services and increases the available budget for those services. 


Section 3, “Term,” of the agreement provides that the initial term, which ends on January 31, 2022, will automatically renew for a year if the County does not provide notice of non-renewal by November 1 of the current annual period. The Department intends to renew, so that non-renewal notice has not been provided, and the term will extend until January 31, 2023.




BAI #48, January 29, 2019




On file with Clerk - First Amendment to Agreement No. 19-034, with Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.,




Sonia M. De La Rosa