DATE: August 24, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Robert W. Bash, Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer
SUBJECT: Retroactive Master Agreement for Architectural Consulting Services
1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Master Agreement for architectural consulting services for the Internal Services Department - Facility Services Division, effective July 8, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $2,000,000; and,
2. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer, or designee, to add qualified consultants to the Master Agreement, as necessary.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions, which will allow the Internal Services Department - Facility Services (ISD - Facilities) to utilize architectural consulting services for ongoing and future projects. The recommended agreement will be funded through chargebacks to user departments. This item is countywide.
Should your Board not approve the recommended action, current projects utilizing these consultants will be unable to close out, and may result in added costs to complete.
The recommended agreement is retroactive to July 8, 2021, due to the ongoing project for the Recorder building and necessary in order to issue payments for services completed. The prior agreement for architectural consulting services expired on July 7, 2021. The delay in bringing this item to your Board on an earlier date was due to the time required to negotiate with the eight qualified consultants.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The maximum compensation is $2,000,000 for the term. The recommended agreement will be funded with through chargebacks to user departments. As of August 2021, outstanding invoices for services rendered for the Recorder building total $46,561. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues have been included in the ISD - Facilities Org 8935 FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget.
The County contracts with consultant architects to assist ISD - Facilities in completion of various projects and to advance planning for future projects.
On May 14, 2021, ISD - Purchasing Division issued Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) No. 21-054 for architectural consulting services. The RFSQ was sent to over 40 potential bidders and closed on June 22, 2021. Eight qualified bidders responded. Consistent with Ordinance Code, Chapter 4.10 and the Board of Supervisors’ adopted policy governing the selection of architects, engineers, and other professionals, a selection committee reviewed the bids and recommended the eight bidders for the recommended agreement.
Attachment B to the recommended agreement contains each consultant’s rate schedule, which rates may only be increased yearly by either the adjustment factor listed in the Engineering News Record’s Construction Cost Index or the California Consumer Price Index, as published by the California Department of Industrial Relations for the year, whichever is lower. The maximum aggregate compensation for all of the eight vendors for the total possible five-year term of the recommended agreement is $2,000,000.
On July 7, 2021, Agreement No. 18-373 for Architectural Consulting Services expired. However, the Recorder building remained as an ongoing project.
Approval of the recommended actions will allow for the continuation of architectural consulting services, including the Recorder building, on countywide projects. In addition, the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer will be able to add providers, as necessary.
BAI #52, July 18, 2018
On file with Clerk - Master Agreement for Architectural Consulting Services
Sonia M. De La Rosa