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File #: 20-0249    Name: Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quailty
In control: Public Works & Planning
On agenda: 4/28/2020 Final action: 4/28/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 17-054-2
Title: Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc. for portable chemical toilet rental and maintenance services and to adjust rates at the request of AAA Quality Services for the remainder of this term with no change to the term or maximum compensation amount, total not to exceed $260,000.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-17-054-2 w/AAA Quality Services

DATE:                     April 28, 2020


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Steven E. White, Director

                     Department of Public Works and Planning


SUBJECT:                     Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc. 




Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc. for portable chemical toilet rental and maintenance services and to adjust rates at the request of AAA Quality Services for the remainder of this term with no change to the term or maximum compensation amount, total not to exceed $260,000. 


Three departments - Public Works and Planning (Construction, Parks, Resources, and Road Maintenance and Operations), the Department of Social Services, and the Sheriff-Coroner’s Office all utilize services from AAA Quality Services provided by this Agreement.  Approval of the recommended action will allow services from AAA Quality Services to continue at an appropriate billing rate for their services by disposing waste in an environmentally safe manner as well as provide clean toilets for staff. This item is Countywide.




Your Board may not approve the proposed Amendment II to the agreement in which case, staff would issue a new Request for Quotation to evaluate costs of services related to portable chemical toilet rental and maintenance services by various other vendors.




There is no Net County Cost associated with recommended actions.  The recommended amendment will not change the maximum compensation of $260,000.  The agreement is funded by the following departments:


Department                                                                                  Org

Public Works and Planning

                     Construction & Roads Maintenance and Operations           4510

                     Parks                                                                                    7910

                     American Avenue Disposal Site                                          9026

                     Department of Social Services                                            5610

                     Sheriff-Coroner’s Office                                                       3111


Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues were included in the user Department’s FY 2019-20 Adopted Budgets and will be included in subsequent budget requests for the duration of the term.




On February 28, 2017, the Board approved Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc., for the rental and maintenance of portable chemical toilets throughout the County.  The rentals are important as they provide for work site safety and enable work crew efficiency.


The agreement is for five-years, a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions and include both annual and total maximum compensation amounts during the term as follows:


                     $2,000 annual maximum for the Sheriff-Coroner, total maximum of $10,000;

                     $8,000 annual maximum for the Department of Social Services, total maximum of $40,000; and,

                     $185,000 maximum for various divisions within the Department of Public Works and Planning.


The agreement allowed for a maximum of $235,000 across all user departments.


On December 10, 2019, the Board approved Amendment I with AAA Quality Services, Inc., to remove the annual maximums, and increased the total maximum compensation by $25,000, resulting in a new contract maximum of $260,000.


With your Board’s approval of the recommended amendment, the agreement will adjust rates for the services AAA Quality provides for the County as illustrated in Exhibit 1-A and Exhibit 1-B due to inflation at the request of the vendor.


All other terms will remain unchanged.




BAI #36, February 28, 2017

BAI #60, December 10, 2019




On file with Clerk - Second Amendment to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc.




Debbie Paolinelli