DATE: December 17, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Award Contract 24-14-C CSA 43W Raisin City Groundwater Well
Adopt plans and specifications for Contract 24-14-C CSA 43W Raisin City Groundwater Well and award to the lowest bidder Zim Industries, Inc., 4532 E Jefferson Avenue, Fresno, CA 93725-9807, in the total amount of $1,091,006.
Approval of the recommended action will result in your Board’s adoption of plans and specifications for Contract 24-14-C, CSA 43W Raisin City Groundwater Well and authorize the award of an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) funded Drinking Water Storage project. This item pertains to a location in District 4.
If the recommended action is not approved, the project will be delayed or will not be constructed.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The anticipated construction cost for the project, based on the low bid and Director’s allowance for change orders of $76,370, is $1,167,376. This project is Federally funded through the ARPA SLFRF, up to $2,000,000, as approved by your Board on December 13, 2022. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department of Public Works and Planning - Capital Projects Division Org 8870 FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
On December 13, 2022, your Board approved the allocation of $16,450,000 to the Department of Public Works and Planning (Department) to be used to implement nine ARPA-SLFRF funded projects. Of which, $2,000,000 in ARPA-SLFRF was allocated to the Raisin City (County Service Area 43W) Water Well.
This contract will be covering the first phase of construction for a second well to provide the community of Raisin City with potable water in a back-up source to serve approximately 300 residents and a neighborhood park. In addition to this project, a second phase to this project will be bid out early next year to increase reliability of the system. The Department will be making other necessary improvements to the water system such as replacing booster pumps, coating existing tank and potentially adding fire hydrants. The total projected cost when adding engineering, permitting, administration and construction management is anticipated to remain at $2,000,000.
The project was advertised on October 1, 2024. A bid opening was held on October 31, 2024. Two bids were received. The low bid of $1,091,006, from Zim Industries, Inc., was $156,999 or 12.55% lower than the engineer’s estimate of $1,247,605.
A list of bidders and their respective bid amounts is shown below:
Bidder Bid Amount
Zim Industries, Inc. $1,091,006
TSI Engineering, Inc. $1,108,786
Plans and Specifications were prepared by the Department’s on-call engineering consultant Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group and are on file with the Department. It is anticipated that construction will commence in January 2025 and will be completed in Summer 2025.
California Environmental Quality Act
The proposed CSA 43W Raisin City Groundwater Well project is exempt under 15301 (Existing facilities) of CEQA, since it is part of an existing water distribution system. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Office of the Fresno County Clerk as well as the Office of Planning and Research State Clearing House on January 22, 2024.
BAI #63, November 5, 2024
BAI #66, December 13, 2022
Location Map
George Uc