DATE: July 13, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Robert W. Bash, Director of the Internal Services Department/Chief Information Officer
SUBJECT: First Amendment and Assignment of Agreement with Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, to Audeamus, dba Sebastian
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Assignment and First Amendment assigning Agreement No. 18-653-1 from Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, to Audeamus, dba Sebastian, for alarm system maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring services, effective upon execution, with no change in term from November 6, 2018 to November 5, 2022, and increasing the maximum by $45,000, to a total of $100,000.
Approval of the recommended action will assign the agreement to Audeamus, dba Sebastian, the result of a merger, and increase the maximum compensation amount to allow the Internal Services Department - Security Services Division (Security Services) to continue providing alarm system maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring services to various facilities as needed. The increase is funded through charges to user departments. This item is countywide.
Should your Board not approve the recommended action, ISD’s current agreement with Kertel Communications, Inc. will not reflect the correct company name, and Security Services will not be able to ensure that alarm systems are maintained, repaired, inspected, and monitored.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The recommended amendment will increase the maximum compensation amount from $55,000 to $100,000, to fund unforeseen alarm system maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring services. All costs are recovered through charges to user departments. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in ISD-Security Services Org 8970 FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget and subsequent annual budget requests.
Security Services is responsible for the maintenance and operation of fire and intrusion alarm systems throughout the County. The safety of individuals in County facilities depends on the operation of these critical systems.
On November 6, 2018, the Board approved Agreement No. 18-653 with Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, to provide alarm system maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring services to various County facilities as needed. The agreement was for a five-year term, which included a three-year base contract with two optional one-year extensions, not to exceed $55,000.
On June 30, 2019, Kertel Communications, Inc. merged with Audeamus, with Audeamus being the surviving entity. As a result of this merger, the parties are requesting the County consent to the assignment of all Kertel Communications, Inc.’s rights, interests, obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities under Agreement No. 18-653 to Audeamus.
Under the recommended amendment, Audeamus agrees to this assignment, and agrees to assume all rights, interests, obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities of Kertel Communications, Inc. under the existing Agreement No. 18-653.
In addition, due to unforeseen maintenance and other costs, Security Services requests an increase of the maximum compensation amount of Agreement No. 18-653 to continue providing service to County facilities.
BAI #8, November 6, 2018
On file with Clerk - Assignment and First Amendment to Agreement No. 18-653-1
Sonia M. De La Rosa