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File #: 20-0955    Name: Agreement with Marjaree Mason Center to receive Domestic Violence Funds
In control: Social Services
On agenda: 9/22/2020 Final action: 9/22/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 20-357
Title: Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the Marjaree Mason Center, Inc., for the provision of Domestic Violence Shelter-Based Services funded through the County's Domestic Violence Fund effective October 1, 2020, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a one-year base contract and four optional one-year extensions.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-20-357 with Marjaree Mason Center, Inc.

DATE:                     September 22, 2020


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Delfino E. Neira, Director, Department of Social Services


SUBJECT:                     Agreement with Marjaree Mason Center to receive Domestic Violence Funds




Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the Marjaree Mason Center, Inc., for the provision of Domestic Violence Shelter-Based Services funded through the County’s Domestic Violence Fund effective October 1, 2020, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a one-year base contract and four optional one-year extensions.


There is no increase to Net County Cost. Approval of the recommended action will allow the Department to disburse funds from the County’s Domestic Violence Fund for qualified shelter-based domestic violence services in accordance with California Welfare and Institutions Code (W&IC) Section (§)18305, Penal Code (PC) §1203.097 and §1463.27(a). The Marjaree Mason Center, Inc. (MMC) is the only qualified shelter-based program in Fresno County that meets all statutory requirements. This item is countywide.




There is no viable alternative. If your Board should decide not to approve the recommended action, the County will be out of compliance with W&IC §18305, which requires the Board of Supervisors to direct the County Clerk to deposit a portion of each marriage license fee into the County’s Domestic Violence Fund and disburse it to all eligible domestic violence shelters in Fresno County.




There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The cost of the recommended Agreement will be fully funded through the Domestic Violence Fund. There is no contract maximum. All funds available are retained by the Department and must be disbursed, with exception of an 8% administrative fee retained by the County per W&IC §18305. The administrative fee is used to cover the costs associated with the collection and dispersal of the monies in the Domestic Violence Fund. All monies are collected and transferred from the Domestic Violence Fund to the Department of Social Services, Org 5610. Sufficient appropriations and revenues are included in the FY 2020-21 recommended budget for the Department of Social Services, Org 5610, and will be included in subsequent years’ recommended budgets.




As required by W&IC §18305, the County maintains the Domestic Violence Fund for qualified domestic violence shelter-based programs. The County receives $23 from every marriage license fee collected, a portion of fees collected from domestic violence probationers, and a portion of fines levied against those convicted of domestic violence crimes. The fees are collected and deposited into the Domestic Violence Fund. The Department of Social Services disperses funds from the Domestic Violence Fund on a quarterly basis.


The Department released a Request for Service Qualifications on June 30, 2020 for shelter-based services in accordance with W&IC §18294. MMC, who meets all the funding requirements, was the only domestic violence shelter in the County to respond. To be eligible for these funds, W&IC §18294 requires that an agency provide services that include:


A.                     Shelter on a 24 hour a day, seven day a week basis;

B.                     A 24 hour a day, seven day a week telephone hotline for crisis calls;

C.                     Temporary housing and food facilities;

D.                     Psychological support and peer counseling provided in accordance with Section 1037.1 of the Evidence Code;

E.                     Referrals to existing services in the community;

F.                     A drop-in center that operates during normal business hours to assist victims of domestic violence who have a need for support services;

G.                     Arrangements for school age children to continue their education during their stay at the domestic violence shelter; and

H.                     Emergency transportation as feasible.


Additionally, WIC §18300 stipulates that any agency receiving funding prepare an annual report that details the total number of persons requesting services, the number of persons served based on the service they were provided, and a description of the social and economic characteristics of persons receiving services. The annual report covers each Federal Fiscal Year and is presented to the Board of Supervisors every January. 


The County’s District Attorney and Sheriff serve on the Board of Directors for MMC; therefore, any recommended agreements between the County and MMC are brought before your Board for authorization, pursuant to the Charter of the County of Fresno, Section 41. County Counsel has reviewed the recommended agreement and can approve as to legal form if your Board chooses to execute the agreement.


Upon approval by your Board, the recommended agreement will be effective October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021, with four optional one-year renewal terms. Either party, upon providing 30-days advance written notice, may terminate the agreement without cause.




On file with Clerk - Agreement with MMC




Ronald Alexander