DATE: April 28, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Award Contract No. 19-20-C, Slurry Seals and Contract No. 19-21-C, Bituminous Seal Coats, for Various Locations in Fresno County
1. Adopt plans and specifications for Contract No. 19-20-C, Slurry Seals at various locations in Fresno County and award to the low bidder, American Pavement Systems, 1012 11th Street, Suite 1000, Modesto, CA 95354, in the total amount of $911,556.45, including the base bid and all the additive bids; and
2. Adopt plans and specifications for Contract No. 19-21-C, Bituminous Seal Coats at various locations in Fresno County and award to the low bidder, Talley Oil, 12483 Road 29, Madera, CA 93638, in the total amount of $957,331.19.
Approval of the recommended actions will authorize the award of two budgeted road improvement projects funded by Road Funds and the County Service Areas (CSAs). This item pertains to locations in Districts 1, 4 and 5.
If the recommended actions are not approved, the projects will be delayed or will not be constructed.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The anticipated construction cost for the Slurry Seals project, based on the low bid and a 10% allowance for contingencies, is $1,002,712. The project includes $100,810 of work on CSA roads which are not part of the County’s system of maintained roadways and will be paid for by the respective CSAs responsible for such roads. The anticipated construction cost for the Bituminous Seal Coats project, based on the low bid and a 10% allowance of contingencies, is $1,053,064. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues for both projects are included in the Department of Public Works and Planning - Roads Org 4510 FY 2019-20 Adopted Budget, as well as the various CSA budgets.
For the Slurry Seals project, the work to be done consists, in general, of placing a slurry seal of asphaltic emulsion and sand mixture on 22.78 miles of County-maintained roads and 3.88 miles of CSA maintained roads. Some of work on the County-maintained roads has been extended to its logical termini, which may be within the limits of the City of Fresno.
For the Bituminous Seal Coats project, the work to be done consists, in general, of furnishing and placing screenings over asphaltic emulsion on 19.97 miles of County-maintained roads.
For construction projects, bids are submitted in person or through the mail and envelopes are opened by Department staff in front of bidders upon the closing of bids. Due to the Covid-19 emergency and social distancing requirements, for the first time, the Department was able to set up a process to accept electronic bids (at no charge to the bidders) through Bid Express and virtual bid openings via web conference were held. Although bidders were told that they could continue to submit bids in person or through the mail, all bidders for both projects chose to submit electronic bids. A majority of the bidders also submitted electronic bid bonds, although a few were submitted by mail. The Department will return to your Board in the near future to request that the Board formally adopt procedures for the receipt of electronic bids as permitted by Public Contract Code Section 1601.
A bid opening for the Slurry Seals project was held on April 14, 2020. Six bids were received. The low bid of $911,556.45, from American Paving, was 19% lower than the engineer’s estimate of $1,128,177. A list of bidders and their respective bid amounts is shown below:
Bidder Bid Amount
American Pavement Systems, Inc. $ 911,556.45
Pavement Coatings Co. $ 947,006.00
VSS International, Inc. $ 992,631.00
Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. $1,014,007.00
Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. $1,040,040.00
Dryco Construction, Inc. $1,077,781.76
A bid opening for the Bituminous Seal Coats project was held on April 2, 2020 and six bids were received. The low bid of $957,331.19 from Talley Oil was 13% less than the engineer’s estimate of $1,110,793. A list of bidders and their respective bid amounts is shown below:
Bidder Bid Amount
Talley Oil Inc $ 957,331.19
American Pavement Systems, Inc. $ 997,997.00
Northwest Paving, Inc. $ 998,408.00
Pavement Coatings Co. $1,036,002.00
Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. $1,084,007.00
VSS International, Inc. $1,170,120.00
It is anticipated that construction for both projects will commence in May 2020 and will be completed in June 2020. Plans and Specifications were prepared by the Department’s Design Division.
Location Maps
Debbie Paolinelli