Fresno County CA header
File #: 19-1487    Name: First Amendment to Agreement with JBI, LTD
In control: Public Defender
On agenda: 5/26/2020 Final action: 5/26/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 19-319-1
Title: Approve and authorize Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement 19-319 with Justice Benefits Inc., LTD. for services for the Federal Title IV-E program, effective upon execution, with no change to the term of July 25, 2019 through July 24, 2022, and increasing the maximum by $200,000 to a total of $800,000.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-19-319-1 with JBI

DATE:                     May 26, 2020                                          


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Kirk Haynes, Chief Probation Officer

                     Elizabeth Diaz, Public Defender


SUBJECT:                     First Amendment to Agreement with JBI, LTD




Approve and authorize Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement 19-319 with Justice Benefits Inc., LTD. for services for the Federal Title IV-E program, effective upon execution, with no change to the term of July 25, 2019 through July 24, 2022, and increasing the maximum by $200,000 to a total of $800,000.


There is no Net County Cost associated with these recommended actions. The costs for the recommended agreement will be funded with Title IV-E revenue. The program is designed to provide services to juveniles at imminent risk of being removed from their home and placed in a foster or group home, or who are already in a foster or group home. Approval of the recommended actions will allow JBI, LTD., doing business as Justice Benefits Inc. (JBI), to provide professional services associated with assisting the Public Defender with all aspects of its Federal Title IV-E claims. This item is countywide.




If the recommended action is not approved, the Public Defender will not have the invaluable services JBI offers in assuring that the Public Defender’s Title IV-E claims are in compliance with Federal and State regulations.




There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions.  The fees for the services performed under this agreement are paid for with revenue received from the Title IV-E program. JBI will receive a fee of 15% of the sum of the Public Defender’s gross quarterly Title IV-E claims in the first and second years, 13% in the third and fourth years, and 12% in the fifth year, with a maximum of $10,000 per quarter, for a maximum of $40,000 annually. The maximum compensation for the five-year term of the recommended agreement will be increased by $200,000 to $800,000.  The department does not anticipate receiving or disbursing any funds in FY 2019-20; however, associated revenues and expenses will be included in future budget requests.




On July 9, 2019 the Board approved Agreement 19-319 with JBI to provide professional services to assist Probation with all aspects of its Federal Title IV-E claims. The item included a Suspension of Competition, as switching to another company would have required significant time and resources to train staff on a new system. Additionally, JBI is the leading company providing these services in California, and is the company that the Chief Probation Officers of California look to for training in the Title IV-E program.


The recommended first amendment would allow the Public Defender to be added to this Agreement to receive similar services for representation of juveniles who are at imminent risk of being removed from their home and placed in a foster or group home, or who are already in a foster or group home.




BAI #54, July 9, 2019




On file with Clerk - First Amendment to Agreement with JBI




Samantha Buck