DATE: December 3, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Paul Nerland, County Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: Fresno County Fire Protection District - Supplemental Fire Services Agreement
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Supplemental Fire Services Agreement with the Fresno County Fire Protection District, to maintain emergency response level of services, by providing supplemental funding, effective retroactive to July 1, 2024, not to exceed three consecutive years, total not to exceed $9,000,000.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, which will allow the Fresno County Fire Protection District (“FCFPD”) to maintain emergency response service levels as described in County contract No.18-381 (the “2018 MOU”), to include general fire and life safety emergency response services, rescue services, emergency medical services, and related services, to unincorporated and incorporated areas within Fresno County, and prevent the closure of fire stations within FCFPD’s service boundaries. This item is countywide.
Should your Board not approve the recommended action, the FCFPD may be required to reduce the emergency response level of services provided to the County, which may result in greater emergency response time, increased risk to public health and safety, and may result in the closure of fire stations within the FCFPD’s boundaries. Your Board may also choose to reduce the amount of funding in the recommended Agreement, however the risks mentioned above would remain.
The recommended Agreement is retroactive to July 1, 2024, due to extended negotiations with the FCFPD to determine the level of supplemental funding required to maintain emergency response level of services.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum compensation for the recommended Agreement is $9,000,000 which will provide FCFPD with supplemental funding in the amount of $4,000,000 for FY 2024-25, $3,000,000 for FY 2025-26, and $2,000,000 for FY 2026-27. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the County Administrative Office (CAO) ORG 2540 FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget and will be included in subsequent budget requests.
For historical reference, in 1993, voters passed Proposition 172 (Prop 172), a one-half percent public safety statewide sales tax to partially backfill the loss of revenue from the State’s redirection of local property taxes to schools through the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). The Board initially chose to use these funds to augment revenues for the Sheriff, District Attorney and Probation. In 2004, the Board chose to include fire districts that had suffered an ERAF loss within the definition of essential public safety entities. There were two such districts - FCFPD and Fig Garden Fire Protection District. The inclusion of those districts was only to occur when there was growth in the Prop 172 revenues. The distribution of Prop 172 funds to the districts occurred from FY 2003-04 thru FY 2007-08. Thereafter, due to the general state of the economic downturn, the Board elected to discontinue the distribution to the fire districts.
On July 10, 2018, the Board approved the 2018 MOU with the FCFPD for fire suppression, prevention, rescue, emergency medical services, and hazardous material emergency response and other services relating to the protection of lives and property within its territorial limits. The 2018 MOU included a phase-in of funding for the first six years, which starts at approximately 17% ($259,382 for FY 2017-18) of baseline needs ($1,555,979 for FY 2017-18), and increases by approximately 17% annually, with a 2% growth factor until funding reaches 100% of baseline needs. The baseline amount of $1,555,979 for FY 2017-18 approximates what the allocation of Prop 172 funding would have been to the FCFPD, if it were not eliminated in FY 2008-09. As of the beginning of FY 2024-25, the current funding levels in the 2018 MOU are now at $1,787,331, which is 100% of the previously anticipated FY 2024-25 baseline need ($1,787,331).
Due to a remarkable increase in costs associated with fire protection services to the Fresno County region, FCFPD approached the County and requested supplemental funding, as the current level of funding in the 2018 MOU is no longer sufficient to maintain the current level of emergency response services. Without the recommended supplemental funding, FCFPD is at risk of closing several fire stations within its fire protection boundaries and eliminating several key command positions, which will result in increased emergency response times and risk to public health and safety.
The recommended Agreement will provide FCFPD with additional funding in the amounts of $4,000,000 for FY 2024-25, $3,000,000 for FY 2025-26, and $2,000,000 for FY 2026-27. During the three-year term of the recommended Agreement, FCFPD will work with the County to conduct a study to determine operational areas of efficiency, need, and opportunity, and to identify alternative sources of revenue for long-term sustainability. This is consistent with the County’s General Plan and supports the County’s goal to ensure the prompt and efficient provision of fire and emergency medical facility and service needs, to protect residents of and visitors to Fresno County from injury and loss of life, and to protect property from fire.
Approval of the recommended action will provide FCFPD for supplemental funding to maintain current emergency response levels, allow the parties to work towards long-term funding solutions, consistent with the County’s General Plan goals and policies to support the provision of fire protection and emergency medical services.
BAI #14, July 10, 2018
On file with Clerk - Supplemental Fire Services Agreement with FCFPD
Ahla Yang