DATE: December 3, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: John Zanoni, Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator
SUBJECT: Agreement with The Act 1 Group, Inc., dba ATIMS
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with The Act 1 Group, Inc., dba ATIMS for the implementation of and software support and maintenance of the ATIMS Jail Management System Software, effective December 3, 2024, through December 2, 2034, total not to exceed $5,471,547.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The recommended agreement with ATIMS will allow for the replacement of the County’s existing Jail management system, OffenderTrak, which has reached its end-of-life period. The implementation of the ATIMS Jail Management System software will be in place for a ten-year period.
There is no alternative action. The current vendor, Motorola, that supported the existing Offender Trak system, stopped supporting the current system as of September 1, 2023. If the recommended action is not approved, the Sheriff’s Office will not be able to replace the existing system and will continue to utilize the outdated system with no technical support from the vendor.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The total cost to implement the ATIMS Jail Management System software is $5,471,547 over a ten-year period. The payment for implementation of $2,676,032 will cover a 24-month period. The savings from the annual support for the end-of-life Motorola system, estimated to be approximately $1.3 million, will partially offset the annual subscription costs of ATIMS Jail Management System software. The total cost of the $5,471,547 will be offset with existing appropriations within the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator’s Org 3111 FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget and will be included in subsequent requested budgets.
• Year 1 - December 3, 2024 - December 2, 2025 - $1,409,232
• Year 2 - December 3, 2025 - December 2, 2026 - $1,266,800
• Year 3 - December 3, 2026 - December 2, 2027 - no cost
• Year 4 - December 3, 2027 - December 2, 2028 - $376,030
• Year 5 - December 3, 2028 - December 2, 2029 - $383,551
• Year 6 - December 3, 2029 - December 2, 2030 - $391,222
• Year 7 - December 3, 2030 - December 2, 2031 - $399,046
• Year 8 - December 3, 2031 - December 2, 2032 - $407,027
• Year 9 - December 3, 2032 - December 2, 2033 - $415,168
• Year 10 - December 3, 2033 - December 2, 2034 - $423,471
The County’s existing Jail Management System (“OffenderTrak”) has been determined to be end of life by its vendor, Motorola. The County has an ongoing need for the Sheriff’s Office to manage its day-to-day operations of the County’s Jail facilities including incarcerated person intake, movement tracking, and release, reporting including incident reports, rule violations, and summaries, and financial accounting, including secured monies on intake, commissary expenditures, and monies added to incarcerated person’s account, and other operational requirements.
The Sheriff’s Office worked with County Purchasing to execute a Request for Demonstration (RFD). On March 2, 2023, RFD #24-003 invitations were sent to qualified vendors. Vendors were requested to provide a six-hour demonstration of their software to the Review Committee. The Review Committee was comprised of seven representatives: Sheriff IT Manager, Sheriff IT Senior Analyst, Sheriff Captain, Correctional Lieutenant, (2) Correctional Sergeant, and a Correctional Officer. The Review Committee sought to identify the best solution that would support the Sheriff’s Office needs for booking intake, inmate tracking, incident reports and inmate summary. Four vendors responded and participated in the RFD: ATIMS, ProPhoenix, Tyler Technologies, and Motorola.
On August 21, 2023, County Purchasing, with the Review Committee’s recommendation, completed its evaluation of all demonstrations submitted in response to its RFD #24-003 Jail Management System. Overall, ATIMS presented the most comprehensive proposal, demonstrating their knowledge of the evolving Jail facility’s needs. Their response fully addressed all the requirements that were provided to them. County Purchasing determined ATIMS the most responsive, responsible company whose demonstration has been determined to be the most advantageous to the County.
The acquisition of ATIMS Jail Management System software will allow the Sheriff’s Office to continue critical operations and will remove the Sheriff’s Office dependency on obsolete technology. The system allows for variety of deployment choices with load balancing and high availability of individual components. ATIMS Jail Management System will provide the Sheriff’s Office with a complete set of tools for accessing, tracking, and monitoring inmates and has been developed during all stages with input from law enforcement agencies to insure ease of use. It is built on a web-based architecture and the strength of the system is especially clear in the data mining and reporting capabilities which further help in maintaining an efficient jail facility, decision-making and risk assessments through the increased data availability, quality, and accuracy.
The recommended agreement deviates from the standard five-year agreement, with a three-year base with two one-year extensions, and instead has an eight-year term, with two optional one-year extensions, to allow ATIMS to implement a robust system to allow for technological growth.
Approval of the recommended action would provide for a ten-year agreement, allowing the Department to utilize a system that would not need to be replaced in five years. The amount of effort to implement and change these systems, which are critical to day-to-day operations, will take many years. This includes converting data, training administrators and end-users, building interfaces to other agencies and systems as the stability if statics used for annual reporting and other purposes. Due to these factors, it is recommended the Board approve a ten-year agreement for implementation. The Sheriff’s Office’s previous system, which ATIMS Jail Management System software will replace, has been in operation for 20 years.
The recommended agreement contains a non-standard limitation on liability, but the Department believes the benefits of entering into the recommended agreement outweigh any associated risks.
On file with Clerk - Agreement with The Act 1 Group, Inc., dba ATIMS
Fine Nai