DATE: November 16, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Contract Change Order for Contract 20-20-C, American Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Intersection Improvements
Authorize the Chairman to execute a Contract Change Order for Contract No. 20-20-C, American Avenue and Golden State Blvd Intersection Improvements, which will change the project scope and increase the contract amount by $247,308, which exceeds the Director’s authorized limit of $169,929, and increasing the total contract amount to $3,395,892, without reducing the Director’s authority for project change orders.
Approval of the recommended action will authorize the Chairman to execute contract changes necessary to authorize the proposed additional work, which exceeds the Director’s limit for contract change orders and increases the total contract amount, without reducing the Director’s authority for change orders pertaining to the work. This item pertains to a location in District 4.
If the recommended action is not approved, there will not be sufficient funds to perform the additional work. Therefore, the Department will complete construction of the project as previously approved and will not authorize the contractor to perform the additional work.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The project was awarded by the Board on May 25, 2021 and is funded from the County’s SB 1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account allocations, included in the Department’s FY 2021-22 Org 4510 Adopted Budget. The recommended action would increase the construction contract amount by $247,308 to $3,395,892, and the contract change order (CCO) would be funded from the Interest and Miscellaneous Expenditures FY 2021-22 Org 2540 Adopted Budget.
On May 25, 2021, your Board awarded Contract No. 20-20-C to AJ Excavation, Inc. (AJE), for $3,148,584, and authorized the Department Director to execute contract change orders (CCO) up to $169,929. The original project was to make improvements to the intersection of American Avenue and Golden State Boulevard including the intersections with Peach Avenue north and south of American Avenue. The existing approach roadways of American and Golden State will be reconstructed and realigned, with left and right turn lanes and shoulders installed, along with new traffic signals. The Peach Avenue approaches will also be reconstructed.
The County’s Internal Services Department plans to connect fiberoptic to the County’s Juvenile Justice Campus (JJC), located at the southwest corner of American Ave. and Highway 99. The closest potential connection point for fiberoptic is at the intersection of Clovis Avenue and American Avenue, approximately 1 mile from the eastern limits of the project. While the CCO will not provide fiberoptic connectivity to the JJC, by itself, it will provide a fiberoptic segment which can be readily tied into, which will ultimately save costs for the JJC connection, and will avoid the need to trench and backfill along this recently reconstructed road segment, at a later date. It is also a good opportunity to coordinate the crossing work with Union Pacific Railroad, while there are pre-existing right of way encroachment agreements in place for the road work.
Accordingly, Department staff has requested a quote from the Contractor, AJE, to install conduit and pull boxes, including boring under the nearby railroad tracks. The quote received from AJE is $247,307.50. This amount exceeds the Director’s cumulative change order limit of $169,929, which the Department is requesting not be reduced in order to avoid construction delays that otherwise might result from any subsequent change orders within the remaining amount of the Director’s previously delegated authority.
As of this writing, the project is under construction, and on track for completion by March of 2022. It is anticipated that acceptance of the CCO and addition of the work would add approximately 20 working days to the work.
BAI #12, May 25, 2021
BAI #36, January 12, 2021
BAI #83, December 15, 2020
Location Map
Ron Alexander