DATE: November 16, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Margaret Mims, Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator
SUBJECT: Budget Resolutions for K-9 Purchase
1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2021-22 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Org 3111 in the amount of $29,900 to purchase two (2) certified canine dogs (4/5 vote);
2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2021-22 appropriations for Special Revenue Fund Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Inmate Welfare Fund Org 1500 in the amount of $17,500 (4/5 vote);
3. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations for the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Fund: 0095, Subclass 17665, Federal Asset Forfeiture Treasury Org 1466 in the amount of $14,000 (4/5 vote); and
4. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations for the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Org 31116313 in the amount of $14,000 to partially purchase one (1) narcotic detection canine (4/5 vote).
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The Sheriff’s Office will use portion of the funding from the Inmate Welfare Trust Fund (IWF), Domestic Cannabis Eradication Suppression Program (DCESP) and Asset Forfeiture for the total purchase of three (3) canine dogs. This item is countywide.
If the recommended actions are not approved, the Sheriff’s Office will not be able to purchase three (3) certified dogs (canines) for the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU).
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the first recommended action will increase the FY 2021-22 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Org 3111 in the amount of $29,900 ($17,500 - IWF and $12,400 - DCSEP) and through an Operating Transfer-In in the amount of $17,500 for the purchase of two (2) certified canine dogs. Approval of the second recommended action will increase the FY 2021-22 appropriations in the amount of $17,500 as an Operating Transfer-Out in the Sheriff’s Org 1500 to allow the purchase. Approval of the third recommended action will increase the FY 2021-22 appropriations in the Sheriff’s Special Revenue Fund (SRF) Federal Asset Forfeiture Treasury Org 1466 to process an Operating Transfer-Out. Approval of the fourth recommended action will increase the FY 2021-22 appropriations and estimated revenues in Sheriff’s Org 31116313 to process an Operating Transfer-In. The recommended Budget Resolutions will add sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues to the Sheriff’s operating budget Org 3111 to allow for the purchase of the canines in the total amount of $43,900.
The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) investigates allegation of narcotics manufacturing, sales, and transportation within Fresno County. As a part of the DEU, three (3) detectives are assigned to Domestic Highway Enforcement. These detectives operate on the interstates with Fresno County to disrupt and dismantle the drug currency, and other contraband and illicit commodities from one location to another. The traffickers often use concealment methods to avoid detection capabilities. Approval of the recommended actions will allow for the purchase of three canines to help locate the presence of illicit drugs that could not otherwise be detected for law enforcement services.
The canines will also assist Correctional Officers in the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office Jail with locating illegal contraband inside of Fresno Sheriff’s Office detention facilities. Inmates often employ various methods of concealment in order to deter Correctional Staff from locating their contraband. The methods of concealment can, at times, make it difficult for even trained individuals to locate the illegal contraband. The use of a narcotics/electronics detection dog will assist in the detection of illegal contraband due to their enhanced detection capabilities.
On file with Clerk - Budget Resolution (Org 3111)
On file with Clerk - Budget Resolution (Org 1466 and 1500)
Yussel Zalapa