DATE: December 17, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Sanja Bugay, Director, Department of Social Services
SUBJECT: Purchase of Spanish Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Post-Call Summarization through the CalSAWS Consortium
1. Under Administrative Policy No. 34 for competitive bids or requests for proposals (AP 34), determine that an exception to the competitive bidding requirement under AP 34 is satisfied and a sole source is warranted due to unusual or extraordinary circumstances, and that the best interests of the County would be served by entering into an agreement with CalSAWS Consortium as CalSAWS Consortium is a Joint Powers Authority formed by all 58 California Counties; and
2. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the County Purchase Agreement with the CalSAWS Consortium for the purchase of Spanish Generative AI for post-call summarization on behalf of the County, effective January 1, 2025, through May 31, 2025, total cost not to exceed $446,452.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. Approval of the recommended action will allow the Department to purchase, through the CalSAWS Consortium, Spanish Generative AI for post-call summarization to improve call handling efficiency which will align with the current practice for the English speaking population. The cost for the purchase will be offset primarily through current year State and Federal allocated funds. This item is countywide.
Should your Board not approve the recommended action, the Department’s Contact Center will continue to operate following its current business practices and using generative AI for English speaking clients. Without Spanish Generative AI services, the Department will forego the opportunity to take advantage of the increased efficiency and improved overall call handling times afforded by an automated real-time transcription service for Spanish language clients.
It is requested that the County find under AP No. 34 that an exception to the competitive bidding requirement is satisfied, and a sole source is warranted due to unusual or extraordinary circumstances, as the CalSAWS Consortium is a Joint Powers Authority formed for the management of CalSAWS on behalf of all 58 California counties. The Joint Powers Authority has procured the software, maintenance, and any necessary equipment support of Spanish Generative AI. Spanish Generative AI cannot be procured independently elsewhere. The Internal Services Department - Purchasing concurs with the Department’s assessment that this satisfies the exception to the competitive bidding process required by AP 34.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum cost of the recommended agreement ($446,452) will be fully offset with State and Federal Social Services Funds ($438,810), 2011 Realignment ($2,129) in lieu of State General Funds for Foster Care Eligibility that was realigned to counties through Assembly Bill 118 (Chapter 40, Statutes of 2011), 1991 Social Services Realignment ($776), and the required Net County Cost ($4,737) which offsets the General Relief Program share of cost. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Org 5610 FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget
On March 12, 2019, the Board approved Agreement No. 19-129 and Agreement No. 19-130 with the CalSAWS Consortium, a Joint Powers Authority, to allow the CalSAWS Consortium to oversee activities and the management of CalSAWS, such as the design, procurement, development, implementation, migration, ongoing operation, and system maintenance, on behalf of all 58 California counties. The Department requests for additional CalSAWS support to follow the existing processes within the Consortium agreement and are represented as “Additional County Purchase Requests/Agreements”.
On March 19, 2024, the Board approved Agreement No. 24-136 with the CalSAWS Consortium to purchase Generative AI for post-call summarization for English language clients. The Department’s Contact Center implemented Generative AI to all staff in July 2024. The Department considered including Spanish language Generative AI with the initial County Purchase, but this feature was still under development and not ready for deployment. To ensure that call handling times remain equitable for both English and Spanish-speaking clients, the Department will proceed with the County Purchase of Spanish Generative AI before the renewal of the English Generative AI agreement.
Approval of the recommended action will allow the Department to purchase additional ongoing worker support through a Spanish Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution. The additional support would assist staff by automatically generating the narration documentation that is required in the CalSAWS system. This is expected to reduce the time a worker spends on a call by approximately ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes, as the transcription of the client conversation would be completed automatically by the AI solution in the system. Spanish GenAI will automatically transcribe the Spanish language conversation into English text, helping to reduce wait times and increase the number of clients served.
This County Purchase Agreement deviates from the County’s standard contract language as it is developed by the CalSAWS consortium.
BAI #55, March 19, 2024
BAI #50, March 12, 2019
Sole Source Acquisition Request
On file with Clerk - Agreement with CalSAWS Consortium
Ronald Alexander