File #: 20-0580   
On agenda: 6/23/2020 Final action: 6/23/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 19-077-2, Agreement No. 19-078-2, Agreement No. 19-079-2, Agreement No. 19-080-2
Recommended Action(s)
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment II to the following CalWORKs home visitation services agreements, extending the term by two years from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022: 1. Centro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc., A-19-077, increasing the maximum by $2,506,510 to a total of $3,836,363. 2. Comprehensive Youth Services of Fresno, Inc., A-19-078, increasing the maximum by $2,971,304 to a total of $4,696,304. 3. Exceptional Parents Unlimited, Inc., A-19-079, increasing the maximum by $2,441,524 to a total of $3,929,024. 4. Westside Family Preservation Services Network, A-19-080, increasing the maximum by $923,808 to a total of $1,408,808.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-19-077-2 with Centro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc., 3. Agreement A-19-078-2 with Comprehensive Youth Services, 4. Agreement A-19-079-2 with Exceptional Parents Unlimited, Inc., 5. Agreement A-19-080-2 with Westside Family Preservation Services Network


DATE:                     June 23, 2020


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Delfino E. Neira, Director, Department of Social Services


SUBJECT:                     Amendment II for CalWORKs Home Visitation Services




Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment II to the following CalWORKs home visitation services agreements, extending the term by two years from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022:


1.                     Centro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc., A-19-077, increasing the maximum by $2,506,510 to a total of $3,836,363.

2.                     Comprehensive Youth Services of Fresno, Inc., A-19-078, increasing the maximum by $2,971,304 to a total of $4,696,304.

3.                     Exceptional Parents Unlimited, Inc., A-19-079, increasing the maximum by $2,441,524 to a total of $3,929,024.

4.                     Westside Family Preservation Services Network, A-19-080, increasing the maximum by $923,808 to a total of $1,408,808.


There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, which will allow the Department to continue to contract with service providers for home visitation services in accordance with the California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP). The recommended amendments will allow the Department to add funding to extend the current agreements for two additional years. The cost of these services will be offset with CalWORKs HVP funds. This item is countywide.




Your Board may choose not to approve the recommended action; however, the Department will be unable to provide home visitation services to vulnerable CalWORKs families in accordance with the CalWORKs HVP, as the program would end.




There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum amount of the agreements ($13,870,499) will be offset using CalWORKs HVP funds. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues will be included in the FY 2020-21 Recommended Budget for the Department of Social Services, Org. 5610, and will be included in subsequent budget requests.




The CalWORKs HVP is a voluntary program that supports positive health, development, and well-being outcomes for eligible pregnant and parenting women, families, and infants born into poverty, expanding their future educational, economic, and financial capability opportunities, and improving the likelihood that they will exit poverty.


On February 12, 2019, the Board approved agreements for home visitation services to CalWORKs families as part of the CalWORKs HVP. Home visiting services are provided through eleven Neighborhood Resource Centers (NRCs) throughout Fresno County. The NRCs offering the home visiting services are located in the Fresno zip code areas of 93703, 93727, 93706, 93705, and 93722. Services are also offered in the rural locations of Coalinga, Huron, Kerman, Selma, Sanger, and Reedley. All sites also serve families in surrounding zip codes. Funding for each NRC was based on the number of eligible clients residing in the zip codes to be served by each respective NRC.


Amendments to all HVP agreements were approved by the Board on November 5, 2019 to allow contracted HVP vendors to provide up to $500 per family during the course of home visiting services for the purchase of material goods related to the care, health, and safety of the child and family. Material goods include, but are not limited to: child safety kits, car seats, appliance repairs, adaptive equipment for children with disabilities, and resources related to child and family language and literacy needs.


The recommended Amendments will extend the current HVP agreements for two years and allow for additional funding to each NRC to expand services to CalWORKs families with children 0-5 years of age instead of only 0-3. The expanded services will allow for more flexibility and a better fit for the clients.


If approved, the term of the Agreements will be extended for 2 years effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. The agreements may be terminated without cause by either party upon providing 30-day advance written notice.



BAI, #44, November 5, 2019

BAI, #40, February 12, 2019




On file with Clerk - Amendment A-19-077-II

On file with Clerk - Amendment A-19-078-II

On file with Clerk - Amendment A-19-079-II

On file with Clerk - Amendment A-19-080-II




Ronald Alexander