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File #: 18-0445    Name: All-Way Stop at DeWolf and McKinley Avenues
In control: Public Works & Planning
On agenda: 5/8/2018 Final action: 5/8/2018
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 18-179
Title: Adopt Resolution authorizing additional stop signs at the intersection of DeWolf and McKinley Avenues, stopping eastbound and westbound traffic on McKinley Avenue, making it an all-way stop.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Vicinity Map, 3. Resolution No. 18-179


DATE:                     May 8, 2018


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Steven E. White, Director

                     Department of Public Works and Planning


SUBJECT:                     All-Way Stop at DeWolf and McKinley Avenue




Adopt Resolution authorizing additional stop signs at the intersection of DeWolf and McKinley Avenues, stopping eastbound and westbound traffic on McKinley Avenue, making it an all-way stop.


Approval of the recommended action will allow the installation of additional stop signs at this location, improving traffic safety by requiring vehicles on McKinley Avenue to stop in the east and westbound directions.  This item pertains to a location in District 5.




If the recommended action is not approved by your Board, the traffic controls at this location will remain unchanged.  McKinley Avenue will continue to be the through road with traffic on DeWolf Avenue stopping.




There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action.  The estimated cost for the all-way stop is $250 for materials and $100 for equipment and labor performed by Department of Public Works personnel.  Sufficient appropriations are included in the Department’s Roads Org 4510 FY 2017-18 Adopted Budget Fund 0010, Subclass 11000, Account 7260 (Special Departmental Expense).




DeWolf and McKinley Avenues are two-lane county roads that intersect east of Fresno.  The surrounding area is rural in nature.  DeWolf is approximately 24-feet wide and is controlled by a stop.  Pavement markings consist of the centerline stripes separating northbound and southbound traffic.  At the entrance to McKinley Avenue, traffic control signs and pavement markings consist of a Stop Ahead sign and pavement marking, Stop sign, Cross Traffic Does Not Stop sign, and a Stop bar in each direction of travel.  The speed limit posting is 55 MPH on DeWolf, which is the default for a two-lane highway.  McKinley is the through road and traffic does not have to stop when crossing DeWolf. 


The pavement width on McKinley is approximately 24-feet wide.  Yellow centerline stripes separate traffic travelling in the east and westbound directions.  The speed limit posting is 55 MPH on McKinley, and is the default for a two-lane highway.  The traffic volume on McKinley is approximately 2,800 vehicles per day (VPD) and 2,100 VPD on DeWolf.  In a typical 24-hour period, there are approximately 600 more vehicles travelling south on DeWolf than in the northbound direction, on the approach to McKinley Avenue. Traffic studies conducted in calendar year 2017 indicate that the traffic volume warrant is met for installation of stop signs on McKinley Avenue, making the intersection an all-way stop. 


As an intermediary step, new flashing stop signs were installed on DeWolf at McKinley on December 30, 2016.  The delay on the minor street is also meets the delay warrant for an all-way stop.  The average delay (seconds/vehicle) on DeWolf is 26 seconds. 


The Department staff determined the minimum requirements of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD), for placement of an all-way stop, are satisfied at this intersection and recommends the placement of an all-way stop.  Traffic studies performed by Department staff indicate that stop sign installation for eastbound and westbound McKinley Avenue are appropriate and will improve traffic safety at this intersection.




Vicinity Map

On file with Clerk - Resolution




Sonia M. De La Rosa