DATE: November 16, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Delfino E. Neira, Director, Department of Social Services
SUBJECT: Amendment I to Agreement with WestCare California, Inc.
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 19-259 with WestCare California, Inc. for homeless diversion services, extending the term by two years from November 30, 2021 to November 30, 2023 and increasing the maximum by $804,000 to a total of $2,004,000.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, which will allow the Department of Social Services to add Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) funding to extend diversion services for an additional two years. This item is countywide and includes Madera County.
There is no viable alternative action. Should your Board elect not to approve the recommended action, the County will be out of compliance with the HHAP joint service plan developed in coordination with the regional HHAP recipient jurisdictions and submitted to the State.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The maximum amount of the agreement ($2,004,000) will be fully offset with Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP), California Emergency Solutions and Housing (CESH), and HHAP funding. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Org 5610 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget and will be included in future budget requests.
On June 4, 2019, your Board approved Agreement No.19-259 with WestCare California, Inc. (WestCare) for diversion services. This agreement is part of the continuum of homeless services developed by the County, City of Fresno, County of Madera, and Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCoC).
On May 26, 2020, your Board approved Agreement Nos. 20-196 and 20-197 with the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency for HHAP grants on behalf of the County and the FMCoC. Approval of the recommended action will add HHAP funds to extend diversion services beyond November 30, 2021 in alignment with the joint HHAP service plan.
To immediately address the needs of newly homeless individuals or those at risk of homelessness, WestCare diversion services engage households at the front door of triage emergency shelters and across the entire homeless response system. Individuals are diverted from entering emergency shelter or sleeping in places not meant for human habitation and are connected to permanent housing solutions through the identification of immediate, alternate housing arrangements and, if necessary, connecting with services and financial assistance.
From program implementation through September 30, 2021, WestCare has met or exceeded performance outcomes. During this time, WestCare has assisted 756 participants with diversion services; connected 707 (93%) participants to a positive housing destination; assisted 218 participants with direct financial assistance; assisted 550 participants attain a successful exit from the diversion program within 30 days; and provided three diversion webinar trainings on Prevention, Diversion and Rapid Resolution.
BAI #56, May 26, 2020
BAI #17, June 4, 2019
On file with Clerk- Amendment I to Agreement No. 19-259
Yussel Zalapa