DATE: December 3, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Award Contract 24-DB-02 Clovis Regional and Reedley Libraries
Award Contract 24-DB-02 Clovis Regional and Reedley Libraries to Harris Construction Co., Inc., 5286 E. Home Ave, Fresno, CA 93727, in the total amount of $37,450,000.
Approval of the recommended action will authorize the award of a County funded Capital project consisting of the construction of two new County libraries. The Clovis Regional Library in Clovis and the Reedley Library in Reedley. This item pertains to locations in Districts 4 and 5.
Your Board may terminate the use of the Design-Build Method for this project and direct the Department to instead restart the Design-Build Method for these two libraries as separate design-build projects, or otherwise develop them as a single or separate projects under the design-bid-build process. If the recommended actions are not approved at this time, the combined single project, as recommended, will be delayed.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The current, adopted budget for the project totals $37 million, while the estimated total costs to complete the project are $39.8 million. The Department, along with the Library, will return to the Board in early 2025 to request increased revenues and appropriations as needed in Orgs 8863, 8865, and 7530 to complete the projects:
The Clovis Regional Library project's estimated proposed budget is $25,700,000, while the current adopted budget is $24,000,000:
Design (County Staff & Consultants) $ 900,000
Contract Construction (Harris) $24,450,000 (includes $349,541 vapor barrier)
Contract Administration (County Staff) $ 350,000
Total $25,700,000
The Reedley Library project's estimated proposed budget is $14,100,000, while the current adopted budget is $13,000,000:
Design (County Staff & Consultants) $ 750,000
Contract Construction (Harris) $13,000,000
Contract Administration (County Staff) $ 350,000
Total $14,100,000
Under a cooperative agreement with the City of Clovis approved by your Board on March 5, 2024, the City of Clovis agreed to pay for the cost of a vapor barrier to reduce any risks of environmental contamination. An allowance for $349,541 for the vapor barrier has been included in the Agreement with Harris Construction.
All other costs will be funded with an Operating Transfer-In from the Library Special Revenue Measure B Sales Tax Fund Org 7530 which will pay for the costs associated with the project. Progress payments will be made monthly as materials are incorporated into the work. While the current appropriations will not fund the entirety of this construction contract, sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues for this fiscal year are included in the Department of Public Works and Planning - Capital Projects Org 8863 and Org 8865 FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
On October 8, 2024, the Board received a presentation concerning the Contract 24-DB-02 Clovis Regional and Reedley Libraries (Contract 24-DB-02) using the County’s design-build procurement method, using a “best value” basis. Following the determination of the shortlist and the identification of the highest ranked Design-Build Entity, Harris Construction Co., Inc. (Harris), the Board authorized the Director negotiate any revisions to the draft of the agreement, revisions to Harris’s proposal, and any changes to the estimated budget and to return to the Board with the proposed, final Design-Build agreement for Contract 24-DB-02 with Harris and request the Board’s award and public announcement of the award of Contract 24-DB-02 to Harris.
The Director has negotiated with Harris regarding the alternatives, the price for completion of the work, additives, allowances, the amount of liquidated damages for delay, and dates including commencement, milestones, and completion dates. Furniture, fixtures and equipment are included in the contract price. The additives include deductive enhancements, or savings through alternate designs, less expensive materials for equivalent quality. Additives also include enhancements, which add costs to the contract but improve the design, such as improving signs and lighting. Allowances are contingency funds for costs that cannot be predicted precisely. Allowances set a budget maximum, and the County may recoup any unspent allowances through change orders. Allowances for the libraries will include a utility consultant, which will cut down on time needed for negotiations with PG&E; IT costs, which were expected to be performed by ISD but additional savings can be captured by integrating this task with the overall construction; and an allowance to install public art and flagpoles. Liquidated damages are paid by the contractor for every day the project extends beyond the scheduled final completion date to recoup the County’s costs caused by the delay. The commencement, milestones, and completion date form the significant schedule dates the Contractor must meet. The negotiated costs are shown below:
Work Price
Base $33,896,000
Alternates $494,410
Allowances $3,059,590
Total $37,450,000
Construction for both libraries is presently expected to commence in Spring 2025 and be completed in December 2026.
The County developed the “bridging documents” with in-house architects or engineers who are employees of the County with the assistance of Kleinfelder, Inc., for the Clovis Library Environmental Peer Review and Moore Twining and Associates, for the Reedley Library Geotechnical Investigation and Report. The bridging documents are not official construction drawings but provide details and guidance in the development of the proposals. The bridging documents were approved by Library Staff with input from the Friends of the Library and the cities of Reedley and Clovis. Detailed preliminary project schedules are attached as Exhibit A.
Regarding the Clovis Regional Library, this library was evaluated under a Focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared by the City and certified by the Clovis City Council on July 9, 2018 (State Clearinghouse Certification No. 2017041010). No major revisions to the project will be required with the adopted Focused EIR to accommodate the new Regional Library, therefore, subject to CEQA Sections 15162 and 15182 no future environmental review is required.
Regarding the Reedley Library, Staff have determined that the Reedley Library is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, therefore a Notice of Exemption (NOE) has been filed pursuant to CEQA Section 15332 - In-Fill Development Projects.
The City of Clovis and the City of Reedley determined the location of the libraries in their respective cities and were involved in the development of the preliminary drawings and scope of the design. However, the Cities had no involvement in the selection of the Design-Build Entity.
BAI #9, October 8, 2024
BAI #44, March 5, 2024
BAI #9, February 28, 2023
Location Maps
Exhibit A: Clovis Regional Library Preliminary Design/Construction Schedule and Reedley Library Preliminary Design/Construction Schedule
On file with Clerk - Agreement with Harris Construction
On file with Clerk - Attachment to Agreement: Harris Proposal 1
On file with Clerk - Attachment to Agreement: Harris Proposal 2
On file with Clerk - Attachment to Agreement: Harris Proposal 3
Salvador Espino