DATE: September 22, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Delfino E. Neira, Department of Social Services
SUBJECT: Ratification of Amendments for Emergency Shelter Services with RH Community Builders and Poverello House
1. Ratify amendment I to Agreement No. 20-126 with RH Community Builders for Emergency Shelter Services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, previously executed on September 9, 2020 by the County Administrative Officer acting as the Emergency Services Director, to extend the term by a month from September 22, 2020 to October 31, 2020 with two optional one-month renewals through December 30, 2020 and increasing the maximum by $881,364 to a total of $3,006,954.
2. Ratify amendment I to Agreement No. 20-147 with Poverello House for Emergency Shelter Services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, previously executed on September 9, 2020 by the County Administrative Officer acting as the Emergency Services Director, to add one optional one-month renewal and one optional 40-day renewal through December 30, 2020 and increasing the maximum by $180,554 to a total of $475,850.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions which will allow the Department of Social Services to continue providing emergency shelter beds and wrap services in response to COVID-19, updating the contracted bed counts and compensation accordingly. This item is countywide
If your Board does not approve the recommended actions, the COVID-19 emergency shelter beds and wrap services provided by RH Community Builders (RHCB) and Poverello House will likely stop and an estimated 269 homeless individuals will be required to find alternative shelter and food amid the ongoing pandemic. Additionally, wrap services such as meals and monitoring services for those isolating in motels and shelters will stop and the bed capacities reflected in the original agreements will remain unchanged and inaccurate.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The maximum amount of the RHCB agreement is $3,006,954 and the maximum amount of the Poverello House agreement is $475,850. Both agreements will be offset with one or more of the following: State Senate Bill 89 COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding; Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, Economic Securities (CARES) Act emergency funding allocated to the County; CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant funding allocated to the City of Fresno; and Emergency Solutions Grant funding administered by the State, allocated to the Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCoC). Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenue are included in the Department of Social Services Org 5610 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget.
On March 15, 2020, the County’s Emergency Services Director/County Administrative Officer proclaimed a local emergency related to COVID-19, and on March 17, 2020, your Board ratified the proclamation of a local emergency due to the pandemic.
As part of the emergency effort to provide shelter to persons experiencing homelessness during the pandemic, the County entered into a retroactive agreement with RHCB on March 24, 2020, effective March 16, 2020 and a retroactive agreement with Poverello House on April 14, 2020, effective March 26, 2020 for Emergency Shelter Services. The agreements included 60-day base contracts with optional 30-day extensions, for approximately six months of shelter services, through September 16 and 21, 2020, respectively. Both providers were selected due to their ability to quickly provide services to symptomatic and at-risk individuals, and secure locations with isolation capability. Additionally, Poverello House was selected for their ability to cater meals to those in isolation.
The RHCB agreement funded shelter beds at three facilities located in metro Fresno with additional accommodations, monitoring services, and meals for individuals who were homeless and tested positive for COVID-19 or believed to have been exposed to the virus. The Poverello House agreement funded shelter beds at the F Street location along with meals for individuals in isolation at locations throughout the County. These services allowed for shelter, quarantine, and containment to aid in the prevention of the spread among the homeless community.
Both vendors have provided shelter services as indicated in their agreements. However, as the emergency continued, there were changes to bed counts due to prior commitments and funding restrictions. As bed counts were reduced, the vendors were careful to ensure that no client was exited to the street, but rather moved to another location. The recommended amendments include updates to the bed counts and compensation, as appropriate.
As the pandemic continued, the Department determined that services would likely be needed through the end of the year. RHCB and Poverello House agreed to continue providing services. However, due to a prior commitment, RHCB will close one of the three facilities on October 16, 2020, decreasing the total bed count 241 to 211. RHCB will once again ensure the reduction in beds does not exit anyone to the street, by not filling beds at the closing location as they become vacant, and by working with other available shelters in the continuum to secure beds. Poverello House will continue providing 28 shelter beds and will add capacity to provide meals to additional clients in isolation, effective September 22, 2020. Additionally, the County is currently working with both vendors and the other FMCoC partners to transition clients from temporary housing to permanent housing solutions.
If approved, the recommended actions will enable the Department to continue offering emergency shelter and wrap services during the COVID-19 State of Emergency and mitigate the risks of transmission among the unsheltered homeless population. The agreements may be terminated without cause by either party upon providing 30-day day advance written notice.
BAI #40, April 14, 2020
BAI #10.2, March 24, 2020
BAI #2, March 17, 2020
Amendment I to Agreement 20-126 with RH Community Builders
Amendment to Agreement 20-147 with Poverello House
Sonia M. De La Rosa