DATE: May 12, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Delfino Neira, Director, Department of Social Services
SUBJECT: COVID-related Beds within the City of Fresno
1. Discuss and provide direction regarding the Fresno County COVID-19 Homeless Response; and,
2. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to send 30-day notices to end Agreement Nos. 20-126 and 20-147 with RH Community Builders and Poverello House, respectively, effective June 26, 2020, if the Fresno City Council does not take action on May 14, 2020 to use their Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus funding allocation for the Response.
Approval of the recommended actions will allow for discussion and direction from your Board regarding the countywide COVID-19 Homeless Response (Response). In addition, if the Fresno City Council does not approve use of their Emergency Solutions Grant COVID-19 (ESG-CV) funding allocation to aid the Response in the City of Fresno (City) by May 14, 2020, the Director of the Department of Social Services would send notices to terminate the County of Fresno and Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (FMCoC) COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the City’s jurisdiction. The agreements that would end consist of a two-month base (March to May 2020) with option to extend four added 30-day periods. This item is countywide.
There are no viable alternative actions. The FMCoC and County COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant Allocations will be exhausted by the end of June 2020. These funds were used to support beds in City’s jurisdiction.
There is no change in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The 30-day maximum contracted amounts are $354,265 for RH Community Builders and $49,216 for Poverello House.
The COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant allocations for the FMCoC ($488,763.33) and County ($382,080.59) totaled $870,843.92; Revenue Agreement Nos. 20-145 and 20-146 were approved by your Board on April 14, 2020. On April 16, 2020, the City redirected their allocation ($1,012,869.44) to the County, Agreement No. 20-159 was approved by your Board on April 28, 2020.
To augment cleanliness at existing and new shelter locations, 60 hand washing stations and 43 sanitizer stations were deployed. Moreover, through the Internal Services Department, lease agreements with three hotels and related security and disinfection agreements were executed. Lastly, a service contract to pump sewage from the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) travel trailers was executed.
The combined emergency funds ($1,883,712) will be exhausted before the end of June 2020.
Since mid-March 2020, the County has led the planning, establishment and execution of the Response with the goal to reduce spread of COVID-19 by moving individuals and families into shelter. Through this process, the County, in partnership with the City, established 446 beds in less than a month - all, except 4 beds, located in the City’s jurisdiction, including beds for victims/survivors of domestic violence.
County Agreements related to the Response include:
• 321 beds with supportive services, with a large supply of towels and sheets
• 35 hotel rooms (35 beds) with security services for symptomatic and those individuals that have tested positive
• 20 hotel rooms (40 beds) for victims/survivors of domestic violence and their families
• 25 State Office of Emergency Services travel trailers (50 beds) and supportive services for isolation capability at emergency shelters in the region, 20 of which are in the City’s jurisdiction
• Cleaning and disinfecting services at the region’s emergency shelters, at the hotels, and in the trailers
• 60 hand washing stations, 42 of which are in the City’s jurisdiction
• 43 sanitizing stations, 39 of which are in the City’s jurisdiction
• 4 portable toilets located in the City’s jurisdiction
In addition, one-time costs paid by the County have included hygiene and food kits distributed by our community-wide Outreach Team, thermometers, gloves, Tylenol, water bottles, sanitizer, wipes and toilet paper.
RH Community Builders and the Poverello House are the contracted providers under Agreement Nos. 20-126 and 20-147, which provide 321 beds with services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the City’s jurisdiction, funded with FMCoC and County emergency allocations.
On March 24, 2020, your Board approved retroactive Agreement No. 20-126 with RH Community Builders for services to 287 persons in locations with isolation capability beginning on March 16, 2020. The agreement provided shelter beds at three facilities located in the City, each staffed with monitors, janitorial staff, dedicated drivers, food service staff, maintenance staff, and 24-hour security on-site.
On April 14, 2020, your Board approved retroactive Agreement No. 20-147 with Poverello House to provide 34 emergency shelter beds, as well as meals to those sheltering in local motels due to the COVID pandemic, beginning on March 26, 2020. The agreement provided shelter beds at the Poverello House facility located in the City.
County Administrative Office and Department of Social Services staff anticipate that the COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant will be fully expended by the end of June 2020. The funds support the aforementioned agreements, augment cleanliness at existing and new shelter locations, lease agreements with three hotels and related security and disinfection agreements, and a service contract to pump sewage from the CalOES travel trailers.
If the Fresno City Council does not take action on May 14, 2020 to use their ESG-CV funding allocation for the Response, approval of the second recommended action will allow Agreement Nos. 20-126 with RH Community Builders and 20-147 with the Poverello House for services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the City of Fresno’s jurisdiction to end on June 26, 2020.
Additionally, the County, through the Department of Social Services, will add services funded with its ESG-CV and Community Development Block Grant-CV (CDBG-CV) allocations in the rural communities. Proposed service agreements related to the added beds will be brought to your Board for consideration.
Similarly, the City will receive ESG-CV and CDBG-CV allocations, which may result in the introduction of services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness within their jurisdiction.
BAI #40, April 28, 2020
BAI #38 & #40, April 14, 2020
BAI #10.2, March 24, 2020
Sonia M. De La Rosa