DATE: August 24, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: No New Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy
Consider and adopt resolution canceling the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and adopting proposed Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy, which prohibits the installation of Speed Humps on Fresno County-maintained roads and provides a procedure for removal of existing Speed Humps.
Approval of the recommended action will adopt a resolution canceling the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and establishing a new policy that will prohibit the installation of new Speed Undulations, or Speed Humps, on any County-maintained roads, as well as provide a procedure for removal of existing Speed Humps. Any existing Speed Humps will be allowed to remain in place until the Department resurfaces the roadway, or when a Speed Hump is deemed to be hazardous to motorists or pedestrians. However, the recommended policy does include a procedure where, if an existing Speed Hump must be removed for road surfacing or maintenance, the neighborhood may pay the cost to have the Speed Hump re-installed, if it so desires, as described below. This item is countywide. This policy will supersede and negate the policy adopted December 6, 1994.
If the recommended action is not approved by your Board, the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy will remain in effect.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Roads Org 4510 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget and will cover any unanticipated costs associated with approval of the recommended action.
On December 6, 1994, your Board approved a policy for installation of Speed Humps (attached). Speed Humps are a roadway design feature intended to curb vehicle speeds and/or reduce traffic volumes. For purposes of the recommended policy, Speed Humps include speed bumps, speed humps, and any other road undulations set in a road surface, typically at intervals, to control the speed of vehicles.
Speed Humps have proven to increase vehicular emissions, which contributes to poor air quality in the Central Valley. Although Speed Humps do slow traffic to some degree, studies have shown that the use of Speed Humps diverts traffic to other neighborhood streets, increases emergency-vehicle response time, increases noise level due to vehicle brakes and engine noise, and present a potential hazard to cyclists and motorcyclists. Therefore, the Department recommends cancelling the Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and instituting a policy prohibiting the installation of Speed Humps from this point forward. The recommended policy does include a procedure where, if an existing Speed Hump must be removed for road surfacing or maintenance, the neighborhood may pay the cost to have the Speed Hump re-installed, if it so desires, as described below.
The recommended policy provides that the Department does not allow for the new installation of Speed Humps on any County-maintained roads. The procedure for petitioning for removal of a Speed Hump by residents is as follows:
1. A representative of the neighborhood shall first submit in writing a request for removal of an existing Speed Hump.
2. The Department will provide the representative with the attached petition and identify the affected neighborhood.
3. A petition requesting removal and signed by 60% or more of the property owners in the affected neighborhood will be adequate for permanent removal. Each property address may only have one vote. The Department will verify the petition results. The original boundary will be used for installation, if available.
4. Once a Speed Hump has been removed by the Department, it will not be re-installed. Removal of Speed Humps is permanent.
The procedures for removing Speed Humps by the Department are as follows:
1. The County may have a need to temporarily remove speed humps for road resurfacing or other street maintenance purposes, or at any time the Speed Humps are identified as a hazard to traffic or pedestrians.
2. Prior to a scheduled road resurfacing project or road repair, the County will circulate a petition for removal of Speed Humps. A petition for removal distributed by the County must be signed by 60% or more of the property owners on that street. The affected neighborhood (property owners) will be notified in writing 21 business days prior to removal.
3. If a Speed Hump is being removed because it is identified as a hazard to traffic or pedestrians, the neighborhood will not have the option to have the Speed Hump reinstalled, and the removal will be permanent.
4. If the Speed Hump is removed for road resurfacing or other street maintenance purposes, and the affected neighborhood desires to re-install the Speed Hump, the neighborhood must pay to have the Speed Hump re-installed. The neighborhood will have a period of time specified in the recommended policy to re-install the Speed Hump, or it will be considered permanently removed.
In 2006, the City of Fresno adopted a policy of No New Pavement Undulations. The recommended new policy before your Board is consistent with the City’s policy within the City limits.
BAI # 14, December 6, 1994
No New Speed Undulations Policy
On file with Clerk - Resolution
Ron Alexander