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File #: 20-0906    Name: Installation of Stop Sign at Excelsior and Cornelia Avenues
In control: Public Works & Planning
On agenda: 9/22/2020 Final action: 9/22/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 20-307
Title: Adopt Resolution designating the intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues a stop intersection and authorizing a stop sign at the intersection, stopping westbound traffic on Excelsior Avenue, making it a one-way stop.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Vicinity Map, 3. Resolution No. 20-307

DATE:                     September 22, 2020


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Steven E. White, Director

                     Department of Public Works and Planning


SUBJECT:                     One-Way Stop at W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues




Adopt Resolution designating the intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues a stop intersection and authorizing a stop sign at the intersection, stopping westbound traffic on Excelsior Avenue, making it a one-way stop.


Approval of the recommended action will allow the installation of a stop sign at this location, improving traffic safety by requiring vehicles on W. Excelsior Avenue to stop in the westbound direction.  This item pertains to a location in District 4.




If the recommended action is not approved by your Board, the traffic controls at this intersection will remain unchanged and the intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues will remain an uncontrolled intersection.




There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action.  The estimated cost for the one-way stop is $280 for materials and $40 for equipment and labor that will be performed by Department of Public Works and Planning personnel.  Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Roads Org 4510 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget.




W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues are two-lane County roads that intersect at the Fresno-Kings County line.  The intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues is under shared jurisdiction between the County of Fresno and Kings County, with the south leg (meaning that portion of road south of the intersection) and south side of the east leg (meaning that portion of road east of the intersection) under Kings County jurisdiction.  Kings County concurs with the County of Fresno’s proposal to add a one-way stop at the intersection, stopping westbound traffic on Excelsior Avenue.  The speed limit for W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues defaults to 55 MPH.


W. Excelsior Avenue has an easterly and westerly alignment that tees into S. Cornelia Avenue.  The pavement width measures approximately 23 feet wide from edge to edge.  Signs and pavement markings include a T-Symbol and Rough Road sign.  The traffic volume is 400 Vehicles Per Day (VPD).


S. Cornelia Avenue has a northerly and southerly alignment and is a through road at W. Excelsior Avenue.  The pavement width measures approximately 23 feet wide from edge to edge.  Signs and pavement markings include a two-direction large arrow sign and Type N object marker.  The traffic volume is 400 VPD.


One-way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections where certain traffic conditions exist, such as in this case, where westbound traffic on Excelsior Avenue is forced to turn right into a through lane of traffic, or left crossing one through lane and merging into another through lane of traffic on Cornelia Avenue.  The stop sign also adds another layer of warning that the road ends at this location, potentially reducing the frequency of drivers driving straight through the intersection and out into the abutting field. Section 21800(b)(1) of the California Vehicle Code states: “that the driver of any vehicle on a terminating highway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle on the intersecting continuing highway.”  Based on the definition of a “terminating highway” in Section 21800(b)(2) of the California Vehicle Code, westbound Excelsior Avenue is classified as a “terminating highway” because it is a “highway which intersects, but does not continue beyond the intersection, with another highway which does continue beyond the intersection.”


Per the agreement made and entered into on June 1, 1965 between the County of Fresno and Kings County, the intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues is listed under the County of Fresno’s maintenance obligation.  The agreement states, “intersections shall be maintained and kept free of dangerous or defective conditions according to the standard of the County so maintaining the same pursuant to this Agreement”, therefore, the County of Fresno shall install and maintain a one-way stop for westbound Excelsior Avenue to prevent future dangerous or defective conditions.


Based on concerns raised by local residents related to this intersection, such as uncontrolled conflicts for left and right turning traffic from W. Excelsior Avenue onto S. Cornelia Avenue and driving through the intersection out into the abutting field, the California Vehicle Code, and the agreement between the County of Fresno and Kings County, the installation of a one-way stop for westbound Excelsior Avenue will improve traffic safety at this intersection.


Kings County was notified on July 30, 2020 about the need for the installation of a one-way stop at the shared jurisdiction of the intersection of W. Excelsior and S. Cornelia Avenues.  Kings County concurs with the County’s assessment for the installation of a stop sign for westbound Excelsior Avenue.




June 1, 1965 - Agreement No. 480




Vicinity Map

On file with Clerk - Resolution




Samantha Buck