DATE: June 9, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Robert W. Bash, Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer
SUBJECT: Declaration of Emergency Regarding Flood Incident at Fresno County North Annex Jail
1. Adopt Resolution acknowledging the emergency nature of the flood incident at the Fresno County North Annex Jail and ratify all agreements, contracts, and other documents that the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer approved and entered into for services and supplies for the remediation and restoration of the North Annex Jail;
2. Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to suspend the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual and extraordinary circumstances for all agreements, contracts, and other documents for services, equipment, and supplies necessary for the remediation and restoration of the North Annex Jail; and
3. Authorize the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer to negotiate and execute agreements and other documents necessary for the remediation and restoration of the North Annex Jail property, upon terms that the Director deems necessary and in the County’s best interest, with agreements entered into outside of the County’s insurance process to be subject to approval as to legal form by County Counsel and as to accounting form by the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector.
Approval of the recommended actions acknowledge the emergency nature of the flood at the North Annex Jail, ratify prior undertakings related to the emergency by the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer (ISD Director/CIO), and authorize the ISD Director/CIO to obtain any additional necessary remediation and restoration services for the North Annex Jail. Flooding in the North Annex Jail occurred throughout the first floor due to blockage of the main drain by personal and commissary items. This item pertains to a location in District 3.
There is no viable alternative action. Without immediate remediation and restoration services, the property would not have been remediated and restored quickly.
The second recommended action suspends the customary competitive bidding process consistent with the “unusual or extraordinary circumstances” exception contained in Administrative Policy No. 34, due to the fact that the emergency remediation projects require an immediate response. Internal Services Department - Purchasing has reviewed the request and concurs with the Department’s request to suspend the competitive bidding process.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The County carries insurance coverage that limits the out-of-pocket deductible to a range of $5,000 to $25,000 per claim. The appropriate deductible amount is dependent on the applicable coverage for each claim. The deductible will be paid using insurance proceeds from the Risk Management Fund-Property Insurance Program. ISD - Facility Services will be responsible for paying all upfront costs beyond the deductible directly to service vendors. Those costs would then be submitted to Human Resources - Risk Management, to process the reimbursement claim through the County’s insurance carrier. The estimated cost of the remediation is $600,000, and is anticipated to be paid in FY 2020-21; the anticipated deductible is $25,000. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues will be budgeted in the ISD - Facility Services Org 8935 to cover the costs. Should additional funds be required, Department staff will return to your Board at a later date.
The North Annex Jail is located at 1265 M Street, Building 608, in the City of Fresno, CA. The property consists of three floors and houses courtrooms at the first level and inmate services and quarters on the other floors.
On May 19, 2020, County staff discovered flooding on the first floor of the North Annex Jail. The flooding occurred due to a blockage of the main drain by personal and commissary items. To prevent the potential for further damage, a declaration of emergency was proclaimed by the ISD Director/CIO, in conjunction with the County Administrative Officer/Emergency Services Director. The proclamation allowed service contractors to conduct remediation and restoration activities immediately.
Approval of the recommended actions will declare an emergency at the North Annex Jail as a result of the flooding and allow ISD - Facility Services to restore the North Annex Jail in a safe and efficient manner.
Suspension of Competition Acquisition Request
On file with Clerk - Resolution
Sonia M. De La Rosa