Fresno County CA header
File #: 22-1337    Name: Transitional Housing Program and Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program Funding
In control: Social Services
On agenda: 1/24/2023 Final action: 1/24/2023
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 23-022
Title: Adopt Resolution authorizing the: a) Department of Social Services application for and acceptance of the Round Four allocation in the amount of $634,313 for the Transitional Housing Program and $537,848 for the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program, administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development; and, b) Director of the Department of Social Services, or designee, to execute grant related documents, including the Allocation Acceptance Forms for both programs.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Resolution No. 23-022

DATE:                     January 24, 2023


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Sanja Bugay, Director, Department of Social Services


SUBJECT:                     Transitional Housing Program and Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program Funding




Adopt Resolution authorizing the:

a)                     Department of Social Services application for and acceptance of the Round Four allocation in the amount of $634,313 for the Transitional Housing Program and $537,848 for the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program, administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development; and,

b)                     Director of the Department of Social Services, or designee, to execute grant related documents, including the Allocation Acceptance Forms for both programs.


Approval of the recommended action will allow the Department of Social Services to complete the allocation acceptance processes with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for two programs designed to assist youth, aged 18 to 24, secure and maintain housing. The Department Director, or designee, will be authorized to execute allocation-related documents, including the Allocation Acceptance Forms. This item is countywide.




Should your Board choose not to approve the recommended action, the Department would forfeit $634,313 in Transitional Housing Program (THP) and $537,848 in Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP) funding to assist with housing services for young adults residing in the County.




There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. If approved, the Department will complete the allocation acceptance processes to receive $634,313 for the THP and $537,848 for the HNMP funding, which will be available for two years from the effective date of the fully executed Standard Agreements. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Org 5610 FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget and will be included in subsequent budget requests.




HCD has allocated both THP and HNMP grant funding to assist young adults obtain and maintain housing, with priority given to those formerly in the foster care or probation systems.


On November 1, 2022, HCD issued an Allocation Acceptance form under Round 4 of the THP the Budget Act of 2022 (Chapter 249 of the Statutes of 2022) and Chapter 11.7 (commencing with Section 50807) of part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code. THP funds are to be prioritized to those formerly in the foster care or probation systems. THP provides funding to identify and assist with housing services to provide housing stability. THP may also be used to provide engagement and outreach, targeting to serve those with the most severe needs.


In addition, on November 1, 2022, HCD issued an Allocation Acceptance form on the same date under Round 1 of the HNMP authorized by the Budget Act of 2022 (Chapter 43 of the Statutes of 2022) and Chapter 11.8 (commencing with Section 50811) of Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code. HNMP is to be prioritized to those currently or formerly in the foster care system. HNMP funding is intended to support Housing Navigator staff to assist young adults to secure and maintain housing including emergency support, to prevent young adults from becoming homeless, and make linkages to key resources in the community. HNMP funding was previously known as the Housing Navigators Program (HNP) and has been updated by HCD to also include housing maintenance as a central activity.


THP Resolution Nos. 20-104, 20-344, and 21-370 were approved by your Board on March 24, 2020, November 3, 2020, and December 14, 2021, respectively. HNP Resolution Nos. 20-103 and 20-369, being replaced by HNMP, were approved by your Board on March 24, 2020 and December 14, 2021, respectively. Most recently, Resolution Nos. 22-328 for HNP funding and 22-329 for THP funding were approved by your Board on October 25, 2022 to update Authorized Representative authority due to the Department’s new directorship.


The Department is using existing THP and HNP grant funding to support a pilot program with the Fresno Economic Opportunity Commission, in partnership with Housing Opportunities Promote Education (HOPE) at Fresno City College. The Department continues to monitor services to evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot program to determine future uses of grant resources. From program implementation through November 30, 2022, THP and HNP funding has assisted a total of 87 students, of which 15% were former foster youth, with housing navigation services and financial assistance.


With your Board’s approval of the recommended resolution, the Department will complete the Round 4 application for THP funding and Round 1 application for HNMP funding. If THP and/or HNMP funds remain available for allocation after the deadline for submitting a signed Allocation Acceptance Form, and if the County is eligible for additional allocations from the remaining funds for the THP and/or HNMP programs, the County would be authorized and directed to accept the additional allocations up to $1,268,626 and $1,075,696, respectively. 


While the Department Director, or designee, will be authorized to execute allocation-related documents, including the Allocation Acceptance Form, the Standard Agreements will be brought to your Board for approval. Agreements or amendments for services supported by THP and HNMP funding will also be brought before your Board for approval at a future date as appropriate.




BAI #45, October 25, 2022

BAI #86, December 14, 2021

BAI #57, July 13, 2021

BAI #42, November 3, 2020

BAI #54, March 24, 2020




On file with Clerk - Resolution






Ron Alexander