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File #: 21-0512    Name: Request by the City of Fresno to Obtain Right-of-Way - Temperance Avenue / McKinley and Belmont Intersections
In control: Public Works & Planning
On agenda: 6/22/2021 Final action: 6/22/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Approve request by the City of Fresno to acquire right-of-way, excluding eminent domain condemnation actions, from parcels adjacent to existing County right-of-way in an identified unincorporated area of the County as needed in conjunction with the City's development of street and intersection improvements at E. McKinley Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue, and E. Belmont and N. Temperance Avenue.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Attachments A - C
DATE: June 22, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning

SUBJECT: Request by the City of Fresno to Obtain Right-of-Way in the Unincorporated Area of Fresno County

Approve request by the City of Fresno to acquire right-of-way, excluding eminent domain condemnation actions, from parcels adjacent to existing County right-of-way in an identified unincorporated area of the County as needed in conjunction with the City's development of street and intersection improvements at E. McKinley Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue, and E. Belmont and N. Temperance Avenue.
Approval of the recommended action will authorize the City of Fresno (City) (Attachment A) to acquire additional right-of-way (ROW) in the unincorporated area, at E. McKinley Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue (Attachment B) and at E. Belmont Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue (Attachment C), to provide street and intersection improvements. The City has been advised that your Board's approval of the recommended action does not include approval to undertake eminent domain proceedings. This item pertains to a location in District 5.


If your Board does not approve the action, the City will be unable to acquire right-of way and construct street and intersection improvements at E. McKinley Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue nor at E. Belmont Avenue and N. Temperance Avenue.


There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The City will acquire the road ROW from property owners and will construct the street and intersection improvements with no fiscal impact to the County. Construction management of the work will be performed by the City and the Department of Public Works and Planning staff will provide oversight inspection of the improvements through application of an encroachment permit for the work in County areas. The City of Fresno will be responsible...

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