DATE: February 1, 2022
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Maria I. Aguirre, Interim Director, Department of Social Services
SUBJECT: Budget Resolutions for Aid to Refugees
1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Social Services Fund 0065, Subclass 17225, Welfare Advance Fund Org 1120 in the amount of $381,860 (4/5 vote); and,
2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Department of Social Services - Aid to Refugees Org 6615 in the amount of $381,860 (4/5 vote).
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions, which will allow the Department of Social Services to address budgetary needs caused by an increase in the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program caseload due to the resettlement of Afghan Humanitarian Refugees. Approval of the recommended actions will provide sufficient appropriations to allow the Department to issue federally mandated payments. This item is countywide.
There are no viable alternative actions. If the recommended actions are not approved, the Department will not have sufficient appropriations to issue federally mandated payments through the end of the fiscal year.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the recommended actions will increase appropriations and estimated revenues to fund Operating Transfers Out ($381,860) from Social Services Fund 0065, Subclass 17225, Welfare Advance Fund Org 1120 into the Department's Aid to Refugees Org 6615 due to an increase in caseload in the Refugee Cash Assistance program. The estimated costs will be fully offset by additional Federal revenues.
The County was approved as the 20th Refugee Resettlement region for Afghan Humanitarian Refugees. The Department provides public assistance to newly admitted refugees and imm...
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