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File #: 20-1596    Name: Nomination for San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing Board public member representing environmental organization
In control: Administrative Office
On agenda: 3/9/2021 Final action: 3/9/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing the landowners in the San Joaquin River bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing Board.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Application
DATE: March 9, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer

SUBJECT: Nomination for San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing Board River Landowner

Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing the landowners in the San Joaquin River bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing Board.
The San Joaquin River Conservancy is an agency of the State of California. Selection and membership of the Governing Board is defined in State statute (Public Resources Code section 32515). Based on a rotation, Fresno County and Madera County nominate public members from environmental organizations or San Joaquin River bottom landowners to the Governing Board every four years. For the 2021-2024 term, Fresno County will nominate public members representing landowners which will replace a member of an environmental organization nominated by Fresno County four years ago, whose term has expired. Conversely, Madera County will nominate public members representing an environmental organization which will replace the landowner's representative nominated by Madera County four years ago, whose term is expiring.

County staff solicited nominations from San Joaquin River bottom landowners. The nominee filed an application, which is on file with the Clerk of the Board. No other applications were received.


The current 2017-2020 public member term expired on December 31, 2020. Your Board has the option of extending the period to solicit additional names from which to select nominations to forward to the Governor. Should this be the case, the seat will remain vacant until filled.

Your Board also has the option of establishing additional criterion for County nominees, in addition to criteria established by State statute requiring nomination by your Board of San Joaquin River bottom landowners . This action would delay...

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