DATE: July 13, 2021
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Margaret Mims, Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator
SUBJECT: Adoption and Levy of Special Tax for Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, No. 2006-01, for Enhanced Police Protection Service for FY 2021-22
Adopt and authorize Chairman to execute Resolution approving special tax amount, and levying special tax in the maximum total amount of $334,512.86, on developed real properties within (Mello-Roos) Countywide Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2006-01 (District), including its Annexation Territories, for enhanced police protection services for FY 2021-22.
The item brought before your Board today will approve the annual levy of the special tax for the District. Attachment A to this Agenda Item includes the proposed special tax rate, the number of current developed lots (417), the number of developed residential units (418), and the total proposed amount of special tax for the District ($334,512.86). Attachment A also includes the current special tax rates for the District and the proposed increase in the rates (dollars and percentages) for FY 2021-22.
Your Board needs to set the special tax rate for the District for FY 2021-22. However, your Board may choose not to levy the special tax in the District, or it may choose to levy the special tax at the current FY 2020-21 rate for the District for FY 2021-22. If your Board levies the special tax below the proposed maximum amounts, the difference (that is, the amount not levied) does not carry forward for levy in future fiscal years.
There are 417 taxable properties containing 418 residential units within the District. The expected maximum special tax revenue total for these 418 residential units for FY 2021-22 is $334,512.86 (see Attachment A). In FY 2020-21, the County collected $306,643.47 in special tax for the District, which the Board levied in July 2020 on 398 tax...
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