File #: 20-0417   
On agenda: 5/12/2020 Final action: 5/12/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 20-173, Resolution No. 20-174
Recommended Action(s)
1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant Fund 0065, Subclass 17240, Org 1135 in the amount of $1,883,713 for State COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant funding (4/5 vote); and 2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for Department of Social Services Org 5610 in the amount of $1,883,713 (4/5 vote).
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Resolution No. 20-173, 3. Resolution No. 20-174
DATE: May 12, 2020

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Delfino E. Neira, Director, Department of Social Services

SUBJECT: Budget Resolutions for Homeless Funds

1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant Fund 0065, Subclass 17240, Org 1135 in the amount of $1,883,713 for State COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant funding (4/5 vote); and

2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for Department of Social Services Org 5610 in the amount of $1,883,713 (4/5 vote).
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the recommended actions will allow the Department of Social Services to address budgetary needs caused by the unanticipated pandemic and utilize State of California COVID-19 grant funding to reimburse Department expenditures for homeless response services. This item is countywide.


There are no viable alternative actions. If the recommended actions are not approved, the Department will not have sufficient appropriations to transfer the Emergency Homelessness Grant revenue to fund homelessness response services expenditures in the Department.


There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the first recommended action will increase appropriations and estimated revenues in the Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant Org 1135 to fund Operating Transfers Out to DSS Org 5610 to offset costs for direct services to the homeless population. Approval of the second recommended action will increase appropriations and estimated revenues in DSS Org 5610 for contracted agreements associated with the COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funding Grant.


On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California due to the COVI...

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