DATE: February 20, 2024
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment Application No. 529 (Fresno County General
Plan Review and Background Report), Amendment to Text Application
No. 385 (Zoning Ordinance Update), Amendment Application No. 3862,
and Final Program Environmental Impact Report (SCH No.
1. Adopt the proposed Resolution:
a. Certifying that the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) prepared for the Fresno County General Plan Review and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update is complete, adequate, and in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as follows:
i. Find that the Final PEIR (FPEIR) was presented to, reviewed, and considered by the Board,
ii. Find that the decision to certify the FPEIR reflects the Board's independent judgement,
iii. Adopt the CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, approve the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program included as Attachment A, and certify the Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2018031066) prepared for the proposed project, and
iv. Direct staff to complete and file a Notice of Determination in compliance with state law;
b. Accepting the revised General Plan Background Report included as Attachment B; and
c. Approving General Plan Amendment No. 529, adopting the proposed revised General Plan Policy Document included as Attachment C, which consists of comprehensive modifications to the existing policies and programs in the 2000 General Plan, and which was previously reviewed by the Fresno County Planning Commission as the first general plan amendment of 2024.
2. Adopt the proposed Ordinance, approving Amendment Application No. 3862 rezoning a 481-acre area, approximately one-half mile north of the northern boundary of the City of Fresno, bounded by Friant Road/Willow Avenue to the west, Garonne Avenue to the sou...
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