DATE: June 23, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Oscar J. Garcia, CPA, Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector
SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2020-21 Appropriation Limits (Proposition 4)
Approve resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2020-21 appropriation limits for the County of Fresno budget and the Special District Budgets under the control of the Board of Supervisors.
No other viable options exist.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this action.
Proposition 4 was passed by the California voters in November 1979. This legislation restricts government spending by establishing limits on the annual appropriations of tax revenues of local governmental entities. On June 5, 1990, California voters passed Proposition 111, which modifies the manner in which the Proposition 4 appropriation limit is calculated. As a result of Proposition 111, the base year for the calculation has been changed from the Fiscal Year 1978-79 to the Fiscal Year 1986-87. This change allows the County to use more advantageous population and Consumer Price Index factors.
For Fiscal Year 2020-21, the County will be adopting a Recommended Budget based on the current fiscal year adjusted appropriations and estimated revenues. This action will allow staff to obtain better estimates for the upcoming fiscal year proposed final budget. As a result, the estimated revenues available to the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector for the upcoming fiscal year are not available at this time.
The Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector will be providing the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Limitations for the County of Fresno and the Special Districts under the control of the Board of Supervisors. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 proceeds of taxes appropriations will not be presented at this time as information is not available to provide a reasonable estimate. Additionally, the proceeds of taxes appropriations ...
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