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File #: 20-0451    Name: State Agreement with Department of Rehabilitation
In control: Behavioral Health
On agenda: 6/23/2020 Final action: 6/23/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 20-237
Title: Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Cooperative Agreement with California Department of Rehabilitation for a grant match that provides funding for vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with a serious mental illness through Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network, effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023, total not to exceed $581,169.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-20-237 with Department of Rehabilitation
DATE: June 23, 2020

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Dawan Utecht, Director, Department of Behavioral Health

SUBJECT: Agreement with the California Department of Rehabilitation

Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Cooperative Agreement with California Department of Rehabilitation for a grant match that provides funding for vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with a serious mental illness through Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network, effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023, total not to exceed $581,169.
Approval of the recommended action will enable the Department of Behavioral Health and the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to draw down federal grant funds to provide state funding for vocational and educational services within Fresno County. Fresno County has a previously established Agreement with Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network (DEN) for vocational and educational services (A-20-102), but this Cooperative Agreement allows for enhanced services grant funds provided by DOR.


There is no viable alternative action. If the recommended action is not approved, the California Department of Rehabilitation will be unable to leverage sufficient federal grant dollars and Fresno County's Vocational and Education Services program through Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network will lack sufficient funding to maintain their program.


There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The total cost for the annual local match obligation under the recommended Cooperative Agreement ($581,169) will be financed with Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Supports funds. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues will be included in the Department's Org 5630 FY20-21 Recommended Budget and will be included in future budgets to cover the anticipated cost of this contract term.


Since August 2011, the ...

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