File #: 25-0009   
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Recommended Action(s)
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a First Amendment to Agreement No. 20-306 with Justice System Partners (JSP), to include the addition of an Executive Advisor position for Year 5 with no change to the term of August 18, 2020 through August 17, 2025, or compensation maximum of $350,000.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. On file with Clerk - Amendment I to Agreement with Justice System Partners
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DATE: February 25, 2025

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Kirk Haynes, Chief Probation Officer

SUBJECT: Amendment I to Agreement with Justice System Partners

Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a First Amendment to Agreement No. 20-306 with Justice System Partners (JSP), to include the addition of an Executive Advisor position for Year 5 with no change to the term of August 18, 2020 through August 17, 2025, or compensation maximum of $350,000.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, which will add of an Executive Advisor position for the remainder of year 5. Approval of the recommended action will allow JSP to provide direct oversight in providing strategic counsel and continue to provide improved and efficient services to Probation for the PSA tool, which assesses an individual's flight and safety risk of being released from custody prior to trial without the need for face-to-face interviews. This item is countywide.


If the recommended action is not approved, JSP will be unable to add an Executive Advisor position to the project team. This will limit JSP's ability to provide direct oversight and guidance during the implementation process, potentially impacting the project's efficiency and overall success.


There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The agreement is fully offset with Realignment Act of 2011 (AB 109) revenue. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in Probation's FY 24-25 Adopted Budget for Org 3430. Funding for subsequent years of the agreement will be included in future budget requests.


On August 18, 2020, your Board approved an Agreement with JSP for full implementation services of an evidence based Public Safety Assessment (PSA) court tool within the Probation Department's Pretrial Program. The PSA is a validated risk assessment tool that eliminat...

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