File #: 24-1482   
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Recommended Action(s)
1. Determine that Recommended Action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption with the Fresno County Clerk's Office; 2. Approve Amendment to Text Application No. 387 and adopt Ordinance modifying the text of the Fresno County Zoning Ordinance Section 822.3.050 (H1.a and H1.b) relating to prohibitions on solid walls, fences, and hedges within the front yard setback for Rural Residential properties fronting the segment of Sunnyside Avenue between E. Nees Avenue and E. Shepherd Avenue; and 3. Designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of the proposed Ordinance and direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish the required summary in accordance with California Government Code, Section 25124(b). The area affected by this text amendment encompasses the properties located along N. Sunnyside Avenue, situated between E. Shepherd and E. Nees avenues approximately 650 feet west of the nearest city li...
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Attachments A - B, 3. Ordinance, 4. On file with Clerk - Summary of Ordinance
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DATE: February 25, 2025

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning

SUBJECT: Amendment to Text of the Zoning Ordinance No. 387
(Applicant: Bill Stonehouse and Angela Paul)

1. Determine that Recommended Action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption with the Fresno County Clerk's Office;

2. Approve Amendment to Text Application No. 387 and adopt Ordinance modifying the text of the Fresno County Zoning Ordinance Section 822.3.050 (H1.a and H1.b) relating to prohibitions on solid walls, fences, and hedges within the front yard setback for Rural Residential properties fronting the segment of Sunnyside Avenue between E. Nees Avenue and E. Shepherd Avenue; and

3. Designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of the proposed Ordinance and direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish the required summary in accordance with California Government Code, Section 25124(b).

The area affected by this text amendment encompasses the properties located along N. Sunnyside Avenue, situated between E. Shepherd and E. Nees avenues approximately 650 feet west of the nearest city limits of the City of Clovis (Sup. Dist. 5).
The proposed Amendment to Text Application comes before your Board with a unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission (9 to 0). The proposed amendments to the County's Zoning Ordinance require final approval by your Board per the Fresno County Zoning Ordinance and State planning law. A summary of the Planning Commission's action is included as Attachment A. The October 24, 2024 Planning Commission Staff Report is included as Attachment B. This item pertains to an area within District 5.


If your Board elects not to approve the proposed amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission, ...

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