DATE: March 24, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: David Pomaville, Director, Department of Public Health
SUBJECT: First Amendment to Agreement No. 18-715 with NMK Research and Consulting
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a First Amendment to Agreement No. 18-715 with NMK Research and Consulting, for local tobacco control program evaluation services, effective upon execution with no change in term to June 30, 2023 and increasing the maximum by $13,384 to a total of $253,266.
Approval of the recommended action will amend Agreement No. 18-715 with NMK to include additional program evaluation activities commensurate with the $13,384 increase in funding; and shifts unspent dollars from year one to year two budgets. The recommended amendment is fully funded with California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) grant funds, with no Net County Cost. This item is countywide.
There are no viable alternative actions. Should your Board not approve the recommended action, the local tobacco control program evaluation would not be completed as required by the CTCP grant.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The recommended Amendment is 100% funded with CTCP grant funds. The recommended amendment increases the maximum compensation of Agreement No. 18-715 in the amount of $13,384 to a total compensation of $253,266. The revised annual budgets are as follows:
* Year One FY 2018-19 $8,230 - decrease of $28,279
* Year Two FY 2019-20 $92,116 - increase of $41,663 or 83%
* Year Three FY 2020-21 $52,920 - no change
* Year Four FY 2021-22 $50,000 - no change
* Year Five FY 2022-23 $50,000 - no change
Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department's Org 5620 FY 2019-20 Adopted Budget and will be included in future budget requests for the duration of the term.
On December 11, ...
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