File #: 21-0457    Name: Partial Cancellation of ALCC Nos. 365 and 367, and Cancellation of ALCC Nos. 2227 and 2799 (RLCC Nos. 982, 983, 985 and 986)
On agenda: 7/13/2021 Final action: 7/13/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 21-216
Title: 1. Adopt Resolution authorizing revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation for the partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 365 and 367 and Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 2227 and 2799 filed by RWE Solar Development, LLC on behalf of G3 Farming Trust, Woolf Properties and Woolf Family Trust No. I; and 2. Authorize Chairman to sign the revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of the Certificates of Cancellation when all conditions included in the revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfied.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Attachments A - D, 3. Resolution No. 21-216, 4. Certificates of Tentative Cancellation, 5. Additional Information

DATE: July 13, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning

SUBJECT: Revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation for the Partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 365 and 367 and Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 2227 and 2799 (RLCC Nos. 982, 983, 985 and 986)

1. Adopt Resolution authorizing revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation for the partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 365 and 367 and Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 2227 and 2799 filed by RWE Solar Development, LLC on behalf of G3 Farming Trust, Woolf Properties and Woolf Family Trust No. I; and
2. Authorize Chairman to sign the revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of the Certificates of Cancellation when all conditions included in the revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfied.
The subject parcels are located on the west side of State Route 269 (Lassen Avenue), between Gale Avenue and Jayne Avenue, approximately one and a half-mile south of the City of Huron (APNs: 075-060-15s, 075-060-52s, 075-070-01s, 075-070-32s, 075-070-33s, 075-070-34s, 075-070-35s). This item pertains to a location in District 4.

This item comes to your Board in response to a request by the Applicant to allow the cancellation of the above-referenced Williamson Act contracts involving approximately 1,600 acres to be recorded in two phases. On December 15, 2020, your Board approved cancellation of several contracts affecting a cumulative total of approximately 1,600 acres of land, contingent upon the applicant obtaining the required land use permits and payment of the cancellation fee for the entire 1,600 acres. Phase 1 of the Applicant's proposed approach for phased implementation of the cancellation process would involve Agricultural Land Cons...

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