DATE: July 7, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Hearing on Annual Assessment Levy for the Park Maintenance Services within County Service Area No. 2, Tenaya Estates
1. Conduct public hearing to consider all oral statements and all written protests made or filed by any interested person, if any, to the annual assessment for the park maintenance costs in County Service Area No. 2, Tenaya Estates; and
2. Adopt Resolution approving and levying the annual assessment for park maintenance benefiting 142 parcels within the Tenaya Park Assessment District for County Service Area No. 2.
Approval of the first recommended action allows your Board to consider all oral statements and written protests pertaining to the levying of an annual assessment in the Tenaya Park Assessment District for County Service Area No. 2 (CSA 2). Approval of the second recommended action approves the annual assessment for park maintenance for CSA 2. This item pertains to a location in District 2.
During the course of or upon the conclusion of the hearing, your Board may order changes to the 2020 annual Engineer's Report, provided none of those changes increase any applicable rate used to calculate the assessment, or revises the methodology by which the assessment is calculated, or result in an assessment being levied on any person or parcel that exceeds what was approved in the Proposition 218 proceeding in 2014.
Your Board may also approve or disapprove the annual assessment based on your Board's independent discretion or continue the hearing from time to time, provided that no continuance shall be made to a date after August 10, 2020, without the prior consent of the County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector.
The adoption of the resolution constitutes the levy of an annual assessment for FY 2020-21.
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