File #: 25-0081   
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Recommended Action(s)
1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $2,500,000 (4/5 vote); 2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $1,568,303 (4/5 vote); and 3. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $945,651 (4/5 vote).
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. On file with Clerk - Budget Resolution 1 (Org 31114000) Prop 172, 3. On file with Clerk - Budget Resolution 2 (Org 31114000) 91 Realignment, 4. On file with Clerk - Budget Resolution 3 (Org 31114000) NCC
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DATE: February 25, 2025

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: John Zanoni, Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator

SUBJECT: Budget Resolution Increasing Appropriations and Revenues

1. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $2,500,000 (4/5 vote);
2. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $1,568,303 (4/5 vote); and
3. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2024-25 appropriations for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's 31114000 in the amount of $945,651 (4/5 vote).
There is additional Net County Cost associated with recommended action No. 3. Approval of recommended actions will increase the FY 2024-25 appropriations and revenues in the Sheriff's operating Org (Org 31114000), to cover unbudgeted cost increases and revenue shortfalls for the California Forensic Medical Group (CFMG) contracted amount. CFMG's contract was amended on December 3, 2024, and partial estimated appropriation and revenues for the amendment were not included in the FY 2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator's Org 3111 Adopted Budget.

This item is countywide.


There is no viable alternative action(s). If the Board does not approve recommended actions No. 1 through 3, the Sheriff's Office will not be able to fund the expenditure for jail medical and behavioral health care services provided by CFMG. In such an event, the County would also be in violation of the Remedial Plan approved as part of the Consent Decree in Hall, et. Al. v. County of Fresno.


There is additional Net County Cost associated with recommended action No. 3. As discussed at the Board on December 3, 2024, item number 8, it was expected that the Sheriff's Office, working with the CAO's office, would return to your ...

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