DATE: February 1, 2022
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Paul Nerland, County Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
1.) Receive presentation on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).
2.) Adopt Subrecipient Selection Policy for the County's potential transfer of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to prospective subrecipients of such funds for eligible subrecipient proposals.
3.) Discuss the ARPA Ad-Hoc committee's recommended plan for the County relating to internal (i.e., the County, as a recipient of SLFRF) and external (i.e., subrecipients of SLRFR) projects or programs, and earmark and prioritize potential funding for internal (County) and external (subrecipient) proposals set forth in the ARPA Ad-Hoc committee's recommended plan for the County's use of SLFRF, with any future allocation of such funding by the Board for activities, subject to confirmation of eligibility ($194,063,657).
4.) Direct staff to return to the Board with proposals recommended for award of SLFRF to subrecipients, for an external project or program, subject to each recommended subrecipient entering into a written agreement with the County on terms and conditions acceptable to the County.
Approval of the second recommended action would establish a subrecipient selection policy for the solicitation and processing of eligible subrecipient proposals. The third recommendation would enable your Board to discuss and make adjustments to the ARPA Ad-Hoc committee's recommended plan for expenditure of the SLFRF on internal (County) projects and external (subrecipient) projects according to general categories, and earmark and prioritize the potential funding of SLFRF according to the recommended plan, as adjusted by your Board. This earmarking does not commit your Board to allocating these SLFRF. Any future allocation of such funding by your Board for...
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