DATE: February 25, 2025
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Kirk Haynes, Chief Probation Officer
SUBJECT: Amendment II to Agreement with RDA Consulting, SPC
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Second Amendment to Agreement No. 23-669 with RDA Consulting, SPC to modify the Scope of Work to address challenges encountered during the implementation of program evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of future evaluations, with no change to the term of February 15, 2024 through February 14, 2027, or compensation maximum of $300,000.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, as all costs for this agreement are fully offset with Public Safety Realignment (AB 109) Revenue. The recommended action will address the challenges encountered during the implementation of program evaluations in year one to improve data collection and utilization, as well as aligning evaluation efforts with practical program operations and evidence-based practices.
If the Board does not approve the recommended action, the Probation Department will not be able to modify the scope of work. This will limit Probation's ability to ensure that the remaining evaluation activities are meaningful and actionable, enhance the programs' data collection and utilization capabilities, and align evaluation efforts with practical program operations and evidence-based practices.
There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. Funding for this agreement is fully offset with the Public Safety Realignment Act (AB 109) revenue. There are sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues included in Probation's FY 24-25 Adopted Budget Org 3430. Funding for subsequent years of this agreement will be included in the Department's future budget requests.
The State Auditor's report on Public Safety Realignment, released in March 2021, recommended that the County conduct eva...
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