DATE: February 1, 2022
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Paul Nerland, County Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: Fresno County Federal Legislative Platform Updates
1. Adopt recommended changes to the Fresno County Federal Legislative Platform;
2. Authorize the Chairman to execute letters of support, or opposition, in accordance with the platform; and
3. Authorize the County Administrative Office to work with the County's Federal Congressional Delegation, federal advocates, and/or other necessary parties to support or oppose, legislation in accordance with the platform.
The Legislative Platform is a statement of the goals and priorities of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors and establishes the basis for its advocacy efforts with Congress and Federal agencies. The Platform is also used as a guide for support letters related to grant applications. This item is countywide.
1. Make changes to the recommendations or language in the Federal Legislative Platform.
2. Postpone updates to the Federal Legislative Platform.
3. Choose not to make changes and continue to work off the existing federal Legislative Platform, last updated and approved on February 23, 2021.
If your Board chooses to postpone or not make updates to the platform, staff will need to bring items that are not currently included in the platform to your Board to be addressed on an individual basis.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions.
The Federal Legislative Platform is used by County officials and staff as policy guidelines for legislative action and to facilitate timely responses to requests from the County's Federal Congressional Delegation, the County's federal advocates, and interested citizens. The Board last updated the Federal Legislative Platform on February 23, 2021. This is the annual update to the Legislative Platform. All County departments had ...
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