Fresno County CA header
File #: 21-0153    Name: Agreement with State of California EDD
In control: District Attorney
On agenda: 6/22/2021 Final action: 6/22/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #: Agreement No. 21-210
Title: 1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD), including an Indemnity Agreement, for the procurement of confidential employer and client address information for use during fraud investigations, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, for a maximum amount of $2,676. 2. Authorize the District Attorney and/or her designees, to execute the required statements and certifications necessary to carry out the Agreement.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Agreement A-21-210 with EDD
DATE: June 22, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Lisa A. Smittcamp, District Attorney

SUBJECT: Agreement with the State of California Employment Development Department

1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD), including an Indemnity Agreement, for the procurement of confidential employer and client address information for use during fraud investigations, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, for a maximum amount of $2,676.
2. Authorize the District Attorney and/or her designees, to execute the required statements and certifications necessary to carry out the Agreement.
There is no increase in Net County Cost. This agreement will allow the Welfare Fraud Program of the Fresno County District Attorney's Office to obtain information that will assist in the prosecution of public assistance fraud. The agreement also includes an Indemnity Agreement, which provides that the County agrees to indemnify the EDD against any and all liability costs. The second action item authorizes District Attorney staff to execute a Confidentiality Agreement and Information Security Certification. This item is countywide.


The alternative is to forgo the use of resources available from the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD). This will result in less effective investigations to prosecute welfare fraud.


There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. Sufficient appropriations will be included in the DA's FY 2021-22 budget request for Org 28620100. Costs incurred as a result of these services are fully reimbursable from state and/or federal funds through the Department of Social Services. The total maximum cost of $2,676 for the three-year agreement is based on the rate structure developed by the State of California EDD and is calculat...

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