DATE: January 7, 2025
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning
SUBJECT: Agreement with the City of Kerman for the Kerman Plaza Veterans Park (CDBG 23371)
1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Agreement with the City of Kerman for the Kerman Plaza Veterans Park, Community Development Block Grant Project No. 23371, which consists of the demolition and removal of an existing non-functional restroom, installation of a prefabricated ADA accessible restroom, and related necessary site improvements in Plaza Veterans Park, an existing park space in Kerman, effective upon execution through May 26, 2026, total Community Development Block Grant funding amount not to exceed $175,318.
2. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works and Planning to evaluate and grant timeline extensions and scope modifications for completion of the Project, as requested by the City of Kerman, in compliance with the Federal Community Development Block Grant regulations, and so long as the modifications do not change the fundamental nature of the project.
Approval of the recommended action will provide CDBG funding for the Kerman Plaza Veterans Park (Project), included in the County's 2023-24 Annual Action Plan approved by your Board on May 9, 2023. The Project cost is estimated at $187,200; the City of Kerman (City) will provide a local financial contribution of $11,882. This item pertains to a location in District 1.
Your Board may direct the City to propose a different eligible use for its CDBG funds. However, a different use would require an amendment to the 2023-24 Annual Action Plan and may impact the County's ability to meet its CDBG expenditure timelines, set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Your Board may also elect not to approve action item 2, in which event any modifications to the timeline or scope would ...
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