DATE: October 24, 2023
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Donald Kendig, CPA
Retirement Administrator
SUBJECT: Jacob Woesner as Safety Member Seat No. 7 - Board of Retirement
1. Receive Retirement Administrator's certification to the Board of Supervisors that Jacob Woesner, a duly nominated and eligible candidate for the 2023 Board of Retirement Election of the Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association ("Board of Retirement"), for Safety Member Seat No. 7, was unopposed at the close of nominations under the Board of Supervisors elections procedures for Board of Retirement elections ("Election Procedures");
2. As provided by the Election Procedures, order that no election be held for such seat; and
3. As provided by the Election Procedures, direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to Government Code ? 31523, to cast a unanimous ballot, in the form of the official ballot accompanying this agenda item, in favor of Jacob Woesner as Safety Member Seat No. 7 on the Board of Retirement for a three-year term commencing January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2026, and deliver the casted ballot to the Board of Retirement and a copy thereof to the Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
For the 2023 Board of Retirement election, the Safety Member Seat No. 7 is vacant for election.
Jacob Woersner was unopposed at the close of nominations for the 2023 Board of Retirement election as Safety Member Seat No. 7 on the Board of Retirement. As provided by the Elections Procedures, upon your Board receiving the accompanying certification of the Retirement Administrator, Mr. Woesner must be seated by your Board ordering that no election be held and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to undertake the recommended actions, and by him thereafter being sworn in by the Board of Retirement.
For the 2023 Board of Retirement election, the General Member Seat No. 3 is also vacant for the election with two ...
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