File #: 21-0926   
On agenda: 10/19/2021 Final action: 10/19/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: 1. Consider appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application No. 4106, proposing to allow a 75-foot-tall (35 feet maximum permitted) sign, 300 square-feet (150 square-feet permitted) in area, on 3.97-acres in the C-2 (Community Shopping Center) Zone District located on the east side of N. McCall Avenue approximately 400 feet north of Highway 180 on Kings Canyon Road (frontage road), and approximately two miles northwest of the City of Sanger (APN 314-120-66) (10070 E. Kings Canyon Road); and 2. If your Board desires to grant the Appeal and overturn the Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application No. 4106, it would be appropriate to: a. Make the required Findings specified in Section 877(A) for approval of Variance Application No. 4106 stating the basis for making the four required findings; and b. Approve Variance Application No. 4106, with Conditions of Approval contained within the Staff Report to the Planning Commission.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Attachments A - D
DATE: October 19, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning

SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission's Denial of Variance Application No. 4106, (Applicant/Appellant: Brenda Ramirez)

1. Consider appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application No. 4106, proposing to allow a 75-foot-tall (35 feet maximum permitted) sign, 300 square-feet (150 square-feet permitted) in area, on 3.97-acres in the C-2 (Community Shopping Center) Zone District located on the east side of N. McCall Avenue approximately 400 feet north of Highway 180 on Kings Canyon Road (frontage road), and approximately two miles northwest of the City of Sanger (APN 314-120-66) (10070 E. Kings Canyon Road); and

2. If your Board desires to grant the Appeal and overturn the Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application No. 4106, it would be appropriate to:

a. Make the required Findings specified in Section 877(A) for approval of Variance Application No. 4106 stating the basis for making the four required findings; and

b. Approve Variance Application No. 4106, with Conditions of Approval contained within the Staff Report to the Planning Commission.
This item comes before your Board on appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the subject application (4 to 2, with three Commissioners absent) at its August 12, 2021 hearing. Staff notes that the Zoning Ordinance requires the Board to determine, independent from the decision of the Planning Commission, whether the application should be approved, approved with stated conditions, or denied. A copy of the Planning Commission's action is included as Attachment A. This item pertains to a location in District 5.


Your Board may reject the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application No. 4106.


There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. P...

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