DATE: February 25, 2025
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Sally Gomez, County Librarian
SUBJECT: Non-monetary donation to the Fresno County Public Library from the Four Seasons Garden Club
Adopt Resolution accepting and expressing gratitude to the Four Seasons Garden Club for the non-monetary donation of a 10x12 foot shed to the Library valued at $16,641 to be added to the Library Bear Mountain branch property during FY 2024-25.
There is no net County cost associated with the recommended action. The recommended action is required to satisfy the reporting requirements under the Fresno County Board of Supervisors Administrative Policy (AP) Number 30 for donations greater than $7,500.00 in value. Approval of the recommended action will allow the Library to accept a donation to the Library of a 10x12 foot shed valued at $16,641, to be added to the Library Bear Mountain branch property during FY 2024-25. The Four Seasons Garden Club shed will be placed on the grounds behind the Library near the Nature Trail. This Item affects District 5.
Your Board may choose to decline the donation from the Four Seasons Garden Club. If the recommended actions are not approved by your Board, the shed donation will not be accepted.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the recommended action will allow the Library to accept the 10x12 foot shed, which will be added to the Library Bear Mountain branch property. The non-monetary value of the shed is $16,641 and includes the cost of installation. Sufficient appropriations for staff costs are included in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget for Organization 7511 and are funded through Measure B revenue.
The Four Seasons Garden Club provides maintenance and upkeep of the nature trail that is located on the property of the Library's Bear Mountain branch. The 10x12 foot shed will allow the Four ...
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