DATE: August 4, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: Approve Plan of Action for Countywide ADA Transition Plan Development
Approve Plan of Action for Countywide Americans with Disabilities Transition Plan Development.
There is no additional Net County Cost associated with the recommended action, which will approve a Plan of Action (POA) for the development of a countywide Transition Plan as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This item is countywide.
If the recommended action is not approved, staff will revise the POA accordingly and return to your Board for review and approval.
There is no increase in the Net County Cost associated with the recommended action. The recommended action will approve the POA for the countywide ADA project. Future costs associated with this project will be included in departmental budget requests accordingly.
The ADA requires the County of Fresno to conduct self-evaluations and subsequently complete a Transition Plan. As part of this process, staff from the Facilities Division of the Department of Internal Services and the Department of Public Works and Planning are conducting a review of County facilities, roads, public right-of-ways, parking lots, and parks. In addition, department staff have completed self-assessments to address the availability of programs, services, and activities for the public. The ADA Coordinator, reporting to the County Administrative Officer, will compile the data from these processes into a Transition Plan for the County. It should be noted the self-evaluation does not address employee-related work issues, which are covered in Title I of the ADA.
The recommended action before your Board will approve a POA to provide an overview of the Countywide ADA project and timeline for completion, which is tentatively set ...
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