File #: 20-1548    Name: No New Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy
On agenda: 8/24/2021 Final action: 8/24/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 21-247
Title: Consider and adopt resolution canceling the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and adopting proposed Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy, which prohibits the installation of Speed Humps on Fresno County-maintained roads and provides a procedure for removal of existing Speed Humps.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. No New Speed Undulations Policy, 3. Resolution No. 21-247

DATE: August 24, 2021

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Steven E. White, Director
Department of Public Works and Planning

SUBJECT: No New Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy

Consider and adopt resolution canceling the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and adopting proposed Speed Undulations (Speed Humps) Policy, which prohibits the installation of Speed Humps on Fresno County-maintained roads and provides a procedure for removal of existing Speed Humps.
Approval of the recommended action will adopt a resolution canceling the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy, and establishing a new policy that will prohibit the installation of new Speed Undulations, or Speed Humps, on any County-maintained roads, as well as provide a procedure for removal of existing Speed Humps. Any existing Speed Humps will be allowed to remain in place until the Department resurfaces the roadway, or when a Speed Hump is deemed to be hazardous to motorists or pedestrians. However, the recommended policy does include a procedure where, if an existing Speed Hump must be removed for road surfacing or maintenance, the neighborhood may pay the cost to have the Speed Hump re-installed, if it so desires, as described below. This item is countywide. This policy will supersede and negate the policy adopted December 6, 1994.


If the recommended action is not approved by your Board, the existing Speed Undulations Installation Policy will remain in effect.


There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department's Roads Org 4510 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget and will cover any unanticipated costs associated with approval of the recommended action.


On December 6, 1994, your Board approved a policy for installation of Speed Humps (attached). Speed Humps are a roadway design feature in...

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