DATE: June 9, 2020
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: David Pomaville, Director, Department of Public Health
SUBJECT: First Hearing of Proposed Amendment to the Fresno County Ordinance Code, Title 9 - Animals
1. Conduct first hearing to amend Fresno County Ordinance Code, Title 9 - Animals by adding sections 9.04.270, 9.04.275 to Chapter 9.04 - Dog Licensing and Control; revising section 9.04.055 and revising or updating terminology in various sections within Chapter 9.04; revising Chapter 9.12 - Estray-Impoundment, Section 9.12.030; and waive reading of the ordinance in its entirety and set the second hearing for June 23, 2020.
2. Designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of the proposed ordinance; and
3. Direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish in accordance with Government Code, Section 25124(b)(1).
The proposed amendments will revise and/or update terminology to provide further clarification, bringing the ordinance code into compliance with California law regarding the humane and proper care of animals. The recommended actions would result in the first hearing of the ordinance and set a second hearing for June 23, 2020. This item is countywide.
Should your Board choose not to amend the above-listed Chapters in Title 9 - Animals and the animal control enforcement procedures for the County will remain unchanged; however, the above-listed Chapters in Title 9 - Animals will continue to lack clarity or be out of compliance with California law.
There is no increase in Net County Cost with the recommended actions. Fines resulting from ordinance violations will be used to fund the animal control program.
The recommended amendments to the Fresno County Ordinance Code, summarized on Exhibit A, add sections 9.04.270 Running at large-Spaying and Neutering Prior to Redemption, and 9.04.275 - Running at large - Microchip Identification r...
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