Fresno County CA header
File #: 20-0850    Name: Measure C Extension Local Transportation Funds Claims for FY 2020-21
In control: Public Works & Planning
On agenda: 9/22/2020 Final action: 9/22/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #: Resolution No. 20-306, Agreement No. 20-361, Agreement No. 20-362, Agreement No. 20-363, Agreement No. 20-364, Agreement No. 20-365, Agreement No. 20-366
Title: 1. Adopt Resolution approving the Measure C Extension Local Transportation Program Funds Claim for FY 2020-21; and 2. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the six Measure C Extension Local Transportation Pass Through Revenues Certification and Claims for FY 2020-21, certify that the funds will not substitute property tax funds, which were previously used for local transportation purposes, and confirm the County's intent to complete reporting requirements for the prior year no later than November 15, 2020 ($6,284,430).
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Tables 1 and 2, 3. Resolution No. 20-306, 4. Agreement A-20-361 Measure C ADA Compliance, 5. Agreement A-20-362 Measure C Bicycle Facilities, 6. Agreement A-20-363 Measure C Flexible Spending, 7. Agreement A-20-364 Measure C Pedestrian/Trails Rural, 8. Agreement A-20-365 Measure C Pedestrian/Trails Urban, 9. Agreement A-20-366 Measure C Street Maintenance

DATE:                     September 22, 2020


TO:                     Board of Supervisors


SUBMITTED BY:                     Steven E. White, Director

                     Department of Public Works and Planning


SUBJECT:                     Measure C Extension Local Transportation Program Funds Claims for FY 2020-21




1.                     Adopt Resolution approving the Measure C Extension Local Transportation Program Funds Claim for FY 2020-21; and


2.                     Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the six Measure C Extension Local Transportation Pass Through Revenues Certification and Claims for FY 2020-21, certify that the funds will not substitute property tax funds, which were previously used for local transportation purposes, and confirm the County's intent to complete reporting requirements for the prior year no later than November 15, 2020 ($6,284,430).


Approval of the recommended actions will authorize the submittal of the Measure C Extension Local Transportation Program (LTP) Funds Claims.  These are annual claims by the County for its Measure C Extension formula share of revenues dedicated to local transportation purposes.  There are six separate claim forms for categories dedicated to street maintenance, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, flexible funding, pedestrian/trails - urban, pedestrian/trails - rural, and bicycle facilities.  This item is countywide.




If the recommended actions are not approved, the County will not receive its local transportation funding apportionments.




There is no increase Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions.  The claims include the following FY 2020-21 County apportionments:


ADA Compliance                     $                     100,336

Bicycle Facilities                     $                     178,677

Flexible Funding                     $2,766,400

Pedestrian/Trails - Rural                     $                     276,334

Pedestrian/Trails - Urban                     $                       95,947

Street Maintenance                     $2,866,736

Total                     $6,284,430


Measure C Extension Local Transportation Funds ($6,284,430) are included in the Department of Public Works and Planning - Roads Org 4510 FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget.




This is the 14th allocation to the County from the Measure C Extension Program that was approved by the voters in 2006.  Under apportionment guidelines, LTP funds are separated into six categories, each with its own apportionment formula.  The categories are street maintenance, ADA compliance, flexible funding, pedestrian/trails - urban, pedestrian/trails - rural, and bicycle facilities.  The FY 2020-21 allocation for each of the categories are shown in the attached Table 1.


In general, the allocations for street maintenance, ADA compliance, and flexible funding are based upon a 75% population - 25% road miles formula.  The bicycle facilities, pedestrian/trails - urban, and pedestrian/trails - rural allocations are based on population.  The total estimated amount of LTP funds to be apportioned to the County for FY 2020-21 is $6,284,430, a decrease of 13.22% ($957,295) from FY 2019-20.  A comparison of the amount apportioned by category to the County for FY 2020-21 and FY 2019-20 is shown in the attached Table 2.


To ensure that LTP funds are spent for transportation purposes as intended by the voters, the Measure C extension legislation requires that a local agency claiming these funds certify that they will not use the funds to replace property tax funds that would otherwise be spent for roads and transportation purposes (California Public Utilities Code, section 142257).  The proposed resolution will accompany the claims and must state the local agency's intent to complete, no later than November 15, 2020, the reporting requirements regarding expenditures of FY 2020-21's Measure C dollars.




The Measure C Extension Local Transportation Pass Through Revenues Certifications and Claim forms for FY 2020-21 were prepared by the Fresno County Transportation Authority.




BAI #45 - September 24. 2019

BAI #51 - August 7, 2018

BAI #43 - August 22, 2017

BAI #58 - July 12, 2016

BAI #60 - August 11, 2015

BAI#21 - July 29, 2014

BAI #37 - August 6, 2013

BAI #32 - August 7, 2012

BAI #32 - July 19, 2011

BAI #51 - July 13, 2010

BAI #59 - July 7, 2009

BAI #65 - July 8, 2008

BAI #39 - December 4, 2007




Tables 1 & 2

On file with Clerk - Resolution

On file with Clerk - Measure C Extension LTP Funds Claim Forms (6)



Samantha Buck