File #: 23-0859   
On agenda: 8/22/2023 Final action: 8/22/2023
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Recommended Action(s)
1. Receive presentation on the County Administrative Office's Recommended Second Round Award List for the County's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) (the "Second Round Award List"); and 2. Discuss and accept the Second Round Award List and earmark recommended funds for each program to be funded by ARPA-SLFRF ($4,225,000); and 3. Direct staff to further vet and return to the Board with proposed agreements for each of the programs in the Second Round Award List for the Board's approval.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item, 2. Attachment A - Second Round Award List, 3. Additional Information
DATE: August 22, 2023

TO: Board of Supervisors

SUBMITTED BY: Paul Nerland, County Administrative Officer

SUBJECT: State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds - Second Round Award List

1. Receive presentation on the County Administrative Office's Recommended Second Round Award List for the County's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) (the "Second Round Award List"); and

2. Discuss and accept the Second Round Award List and earmark recommended funds for each program to be funded by ARPA-SLFRF ($4,225,000); and

3. Direct staff to further vet and return to the Board with proposed agreements for each of the programs in the Second Round Award List for the Board's approval.
The second action enables your Board to discuss and adjust, as necessary, the recommended Second Round Award List for programs to be funded by the SLFRF program. The third action would direct staff to further evaluate each program for SLFRF eligibility and return to your Board with written agreements for each of the earmarked programs that qualify as eligible uses under the-SLFRF program. There is no Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The recommended Second Round Award List, if approved, will earmark $4,225,000 of ARPA-SLFRF funds to 10 programs. County Administrative Office (CAO) staff would return to your Board at a later date with written agreements for approval. This item is countywide.


Your Board may modify the list of second round recommended proposals from those recommended by the CAO and choose to fund other subrecipient applications that were submitted to the CAO during the 47-day solicitation period, subject to review and confirmation of SLFRF eligibility by County staff.


There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with recommended actions. Costs for the implementation of each recommended program will require the execution of a written agreement ac...

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